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What did Japanese do for fun more than 100 years ago? 昔の人々の楽しみとは? (1st ed./r.2、three of four/その3)



1.Fun of working、働く楽しみPart1
2Various funs in leisure hours、余暇の楽しみいろいろ(Part2
3Fun of Gathering、集まる楽しみ(Part2
4Fun of Traveling、旅の楽しみ(Part3this article/本記事
5Fun of eros (loving)、性愛の楽しみ(Part3)…this article/本記事
6Fun of Reading、知る楽しみ(Part4
7Fun of Owning、持つ楽しみ(Part4
8Sustainable life、サステイナブルな暮らし(Part4

4Fun of Traveling 

People enjoyed not only gathering but also traveling which was the most joyful thing in their lives. Btw, Japanese people began traveling in the 6th century; they had to bring rice, fabrics and so on to the capital (Nara, Kyoto) as a tax. Men went to Kyushu (near Korean peninsula) for serving in the army. In medieval era, ordinary people began pilgrim 1).

 In the peaceful Edo period (16031868), people traveled a lot. They made a group to travel because for safety reasons. They traveled with villagers, however, after leaving the village, they were free!

  The official purpose of the trip was to visit shrines or temples, but many entertainment establishments waited for travelers. Isabella L. Bird, who traveled Japan in 1878 by rickshaw and horse, complained that almost all famous shrines and temples were surrounded entertainment establishments and red-light districts 2).

 Ise which is the most popular pilgrimage destination was special. There were records that lads who lived in Shiga 3) and Fukushima 4) had an experience as an adult during the pilgrimage to Ise. Onshi invited and welcomed pilgrims, and people enjoyed extravagantly 5). It was an extraordinary fun time!

 People also pilgrimed to shrines and temples not so far from their village. It was a one-day trip or a one-week trip. The kou (religious group) dispatched delegates to the head shrine or temple of their religion, which was Mt. Fuji and so on, every year. The destinations of the female pilgrimage to Chichibu in Saitama 7) and the mixed one to Enoshima in Kanagawa 8) were not so far from their village in Chiba. There was a man who kept annual pilgrimage expenses for his wife 6), so people especially women would have traveled often.

 Meanwhile, people dutifully visited tourist spots on the way. I think they needed topics which they talked to villagers after their journey. So, they visited even the old stone monument all the way.

 People also enjoyed mingling with local people while traveling. For example, old women exchanged lunch with them and chatted 9).


There was a trip of a hot-spring cure. People went to a famous onsen hot-spring resort such as Arima in Hyogo like nowadays. They usually stayed at onsen at least seven days and cooked by themselves. Therefore, Arima had not only souvenir shops but also grocery ones to sell food ingredients. Moreover, there have been tourist attractions for killing time: a temple showed people its valuables and got admission fee. It’s similar to museums in resorts today 10).

Asama onsen resort developed in the Edo period (16031868). There were only three bathhouses in the beginning; one for the lord, one for his vassals, and the last one for ordinary people. At the end of Edo period, there were nine public bathhouses; inns were built and visitors came for hot-spring cure 11). Japanese likes onsen so much.


I was surprised that people walked around 40km a day; they walked even in a rainy day in order to keep to the schedule. Moreover, they traveled in a cold season (winter and early spring) because it’s an agricultural off-season. However, it was the best event for them.

In the case of pilgrimage to Ise Shrine 12), villagers who remained in the village celebrated the arrival of the delegates on the estimated day and prayed to the Ise God. Surprisingly enough, the travelers arrived on time. It was 17-day trip. They were so punctual. On the other hand, a wealth farmer in Akita walked every day during his 211-day trip (from 4th of March to 8th of October in 1788). He pilgrimaged to Ise, however he also visited Nagasaki which is around two thousand kilometers away from his village 13). It was an ascetic training?


A pilgrim band on Nikko's street1896)、日光の巡礼者

1) The history of travel of Japanese ordinary people (published in 1971) 1/2、庶民と旅の歴史 Part
2) Travel of Isabella L. Bird in 1878, part 11 イザベラバードが見た明治初期の日本(11
3) Ise Furuichi Sangu-kaido Museum 伊勢古市参宮街道資料館Boy’s trip to Ise、少年の伊勢への旅(Reference: Photos of lives (5) gathering (Sudou et al., 1989)、参照:写真でみる日本生活図引き/5つどう(須藤功編、1989))
4) 江戸・明治の性愛の楽しみ、少年の通過儀礼、参照:「桧枝岐民俗誌」(今野圓輔_1951
5) 辻井善彌:幕末を旅する村人、第七章道中記にみる旅(2015
6) Yoshino’s daily life (November in 1813、文化1011月)
7) Yoshino’s daily life (February in 1807、文化42月)
8) Yoshino’s daily life 43 (1858、安政5年)、February、2
9) Remnants of Days Past: A Journey through Old Japan、逝きし世の面影Fun of the faith and the festival、信仰と祭の楽しみ
10) Historical docs. of Arima Onsen hot spring resort (part4/Final) 有馬温泉史料・その4
11) Former Yamabe School、旧山辺学校校舎、“Biwa-no-yu (hot-spring facility)、枇杷の湯
12) Yoshino’s daily life 38 (安政313月)、January、1
13) Akita Prefectural Museum (2/2)、秋田県立博物館(2/2)Edo period、江戸時代



個々人には、旅の楽しみがありました。日本の庶民は、律令時代から旅をしました。兵役や納税のための旅です。室町時代になると巡礼も始まりました 1)




旅の名目は、社寺参詣でしたが、実質的には遊楽の旅でした。明治の初めに日本を旅した英国人女性イザベラバードは、社寺は遊興場に囲まれていて、日本人には信仰心などはないと呆れ返っています 2)

なかでも、伊勢の遊郭は特別で、近江や檜枝岐などの若者にとっては、そこで大人の経験をするという、通過儀礼の場所でもありました 3)4)。そして、トラベル・エージェントでもある御師の接待で豪勢に遊びました5)。旅はハレの時間です。

関東からの伊勢参りのような遠方への旅行だけでなく、近くの社寺への参詣やご開帳への日帰りの旅も楽しみました。隠居するにあたって、奥さんの物詣で費用を手当した人もいるぐらいですから 6)、頻繁に出掛けたのですね。

関東からの近場の旅として、大山や富士山のように、村から、毎年決まった時期に代参者を出していた旅、女性だけの秩父参詣 7)、男女混合グループでの相模への参詣 8)もありました。





湯治の旅もあります。有馬温泉には庶民も出掛けました。7日単位の湯治です(一回りといいます)。有馬には、宿だけでなく自炊用の食材や土産物を売っている店があり、暇つぶしに出掛ける名所旧跡や、宝物を見せるお寺(今なら博物館ですね)もありました 10)

松本市の浅間温泉では湯治場が賑わっていった様子がよく分かります。江戸初期には、三つの浴場(殿様、家臣、庶民用)だったのが、江戸末期には共同浴場が9箇所、宿もできて他所からも湯治客が来るようになりました 11)。日本人は温泉好きですから。



お伊勢参りでは、残った村人が、代参者の伊勢への到着の予定日に集まってお祝いをして、天照大神にお祈りしました。驚いたのは、代参者はスケジュールを守って歩き、その日にきちんと伊勢に着いていたことです 12)211日にわたり毎日歩き続けた修行のような旅をする人もいました。秋田の上層農民です。伊勢参りは1788年の34日から108日までの旅で、長崎まで足を延ばしました 13)


5Fun of eros (loving) 

Loving and sex acts are basic human needs and fun. There were many opportunities to fulfill the needs in an urban area such as Tokyo and Osaka. There were not only red-light districts but also night markets which supplied meeting places. The night market was held almost every day in front of shrines or temples 1). It could be said that the urban area was a paradise.

In the rural area, there were not so many opportunities. However, they made chances and events to enjoy under the loose rule or habit. Yo (night) -bai (crawling) was a common custom across Japan until around 70 years ago, in which a man stole into a girl’s room at night. They enjoyed freely and didn’t have to keep their chastity 2).

Although few people recorded their sex acts, folklorists started interviewing and recorded in the end of the 19th century. There are unbelievable stories, for example, a man competed in singing with a female pilgrim for sex 3).

On the other hand, there was an elegant meeting place. In Shibaori-yakushi (deep mountain in Kochi prefecture), young men and women gathered on the festival day and competed in creating short poems. They exchanged the poem and someone stayed overnight together. A lady showed an incomprehensible poem; if a man found the meaning, he visited her 4). It was not only a raw desire. They enjoyed sex acts like nobles in the ancient era.


Girou house at Yoshiwara which was an authorized red-light district in Edo (old name of Tokyo)、吉原遊郭娼家之図

   1) Life in Edo, old Tokyo (published in 1959) 江戸生活事典 Daily entertainment (En-nichi and night market), Chapter 6: Ladies, Chapter 8: Red-light district with prostitutes、縁日、花街と岡場所、女人総記
2) 江戸・明治の性愛の楽しみ (written in Japanese)
3) Miyamoto TsuneichiThe Forgotten Japanese (published in 1960 )(3/6)、忘れられた日本人 part3、In Tsushima Island、対馬にて
4) 宮本常一:宮本常一著作集1民俗学への道、あるいて来た道、13四国の旅・土地制度(1968



性愛は、人間の基本的欲求であり楽しみです。江戸や大阪では出会いの機会が多く、性愛の楽しみでもパラダイスでした。遊郭だけでなく、毎日のようにどこかで開かれている縁日も男女の出会いの場になっていました 1)





Previous post (Part2): What did Japanese do for fun more than 100 years ago? 昔の人々の楽しみとは? (vol.1/r.2two of four/その2

Next post (Part4): What did Japanese do for fun more than 100 years ago? 昔の人々の楽しみとは? (vol.1/r.2four of four/その4



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