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Life in Edo, old Tokyo (published in 1959) 江戸生活事典

Very good : ★★★ (this is a long and interesting page)

 Various entertainments at Edo or old Tokyo in the Edo period are written in this book. I found a lot of fun here. I focus on the fun of common people, so I put aside the fun of Daimyo loads, samurais and rich merchants in this book.
  In terms of people’s fun, Edo was the paradise definitely. There were a lot of funs in day time and night time. Edo attracted people especially from the country side. I started from my favorite chapter.


Edo or old Tokyo was very busy city, 代勝覧@三越前

Chapter 7: Daily lives、風俗概要

(1)  Seasonal recreation、遊楽

 Seasonal recreations are written at first. On the New Year’s Day, people went out to see the sunrise. Also winter is a good season to see Mt.Fuji.
  In March we have a girls' festival. We decorate Hina dolls which are dolls of noble people including the emperor and empress. In Edo castle, people could see the Hina dolls which noblewomen owned. They were gorgeous. I think, it was a great fun for both noblewomen and people who could see the dolls.

Hina dolls 三段飾り@中島敏人形

Hina dolls in the Edo castle (open to the public)

 In spring, sakura or cherry, peach and azalea bloom. Then we can see a lot of flowers more such as peony, wisteria and iris. 

Wisteria blossoms(足利フラワーパークの藤、2011年)
 Regarding cherry blossom viewing, people enjoyed watching only one big sakura tree long time ago, but they changed by watching a lot of sakura trees with many of their friends.

 I think that Yoshimune who was the shogun in mid Edo period influenced the change. He ordered to plant plenty of sakura trees on the riverside and the low mountain, so people could see a lot of sakura trees. Masters of dancing and shamisen (Japanese guitar) went out to see the sakura trees with their students. They danced, played and entertained people.

Viewing sakura in April, 2017(上野公園)

Parties under sakura
 In early summer people went to seaside and took shells under the beach ground. In summer, they enjoyed watching fireworks, fireflies, lotus flowers, and morning glories.

Hanabi firework and boat riding were fabulous attractions.

  Originally, the firework was the event which held by the boat owners and restaurants in order to gather customers. They deposited money in order to launch fireworks on those particular days. On the 28th of May, boating season started.
 Fireworks were launched and the night markets started the operation. In the boats, there were dancing spaces. Moreover there were private rooms in small boats, so people could enjoy love affairs.
 That’s why the shogunate prohibited the boating sometimes.

 In Bunka period, it was late Edo period, there were about 500 boats with roofs, and there were 700 small boats for each person.
  Even now, the boating is popular. Some wealthy people get on the boats with geisha girls and enjoy the party. It is also popular among foreign tourists. 

Boat riding(川遊び、江戸東京博物館)

Fire works, photo by M.Takemoto
Boating restaurant for foreigners in Tokyo: 

 At that time, strolling singers with Japanese guitar, impersonators and Fox-ken which was the kind of “paper, stone and scissors” game were popular.
Drawings of Fox-ken 狐拳の絵 (Wikipedia)

 Another big entertainment in summer was to climb Mt.Fuji.
 There were many people who went to Mt.Fuji in groups called Fuji-kou. Each Fuji-kou had participants from 50 to 200. Sendatu or a mountain guide, Kou-moto or an organizer and Sewayaku or a caretaker leaded the kou. They left Edo in the evening after greeting their acquaintances. They wore same outfits and had the long sticks. It was popular before 1900.
 The Fuji-kou is not so popular now but climbing Mt.Fuji is still very popular. 

Mt.Fuji in summer(三保の松原から)
  In autumn, viewing the moon, hearing the voice of insects, watching chrysanthemum and autumn leaves were popular. Most of them are popular even today. However the strange fact for me is that lanterns in the entertainment district were written as the cool things in autumn. I cannot imagine why it was popular back then. 

Autumn leaves in Rikugienn which was a daimyo's garden、六義園の紅葉

  The major entertainment in winter was snow viewing.  But the day time is short in winter, so I guess there was less entertainment in winter. 
Garden in Kyoto, Toujiin temple、京都の等持院

 7章 風俗概要







(2) Festivals and superstitions、祭りと迷信

 There have been two big festivals dedicated to the gods in Tokyo.
 In Kanda festival, people displayed lanterns and sake (Japanese rice wine) barrels in front of their houses. Many people came to Kanda. Samurais hosted guests. This must be a big fun.
 In San-no festival, there was a long parade which included floats with female dancers and cosplayers. Some dancers became popular, and they were depicted on Ukiyoe printings. Those were sold as souvenirs, so the printing spread to countryside. Some girls succeeded to work at Daimyo (feudal lord) residences. By the way, the unique form of entertainment was visiting shrines and temples before 1700 (early Edo period).

San-no festival by Hiroshige、東都名所・広重




 Daily entertainment、四季の風物

-En-nichi and night market
 En-nichi is a special day dedicated to the deities or Buddha. Fair stalls are opened during the en-nichi. The stalls which sold green plants were always opened on this day. People bought the plants, set them and grew them in the alley where they lived. They enjoyed gardening. Furthermore, they could sell their plants by higher price than the price when they bought them. It was an investment too. I am sure it was a fun thing to do for people at that time.
En-nich at Ueno(上野辨天堂、2018年)

Plants on the alleyShitamachi Museum 下町風俗資料館

 Through my research, I’ve found out that the night time en-nichi started to became very popular around 1800. Guys and girls enjoyed encounters. In addition, the en-nichi made it easy for women and children to go out at night. Various en-nichis were held almost every day in the 1900s.

- Outdoor life in the summer evening
  People heard the voice of peddlers, such as that of sellers of green soybean, sushi and soba noodle. These peddlers depended on their distinctive calling voices to sell their merchandise.
  People in the intellectual class went to mountains to hear the sounds of various insects. Mt.Asuka was famous for the sound of bell crickets, and Mt.Dokan was famous for that of pine crickets. It was cool that they set carpets on the ground and enjoyed finger foods and sake. I guess that they were accompanied by geisya-girls or other ladies.

Hearing the sounds of insects、道潅山虫聞之図(広重);tokyo=arakawa
 People enjoyed fishing too. There were several fishing places near the Tokyo bay. The good season was between spring and autumn. Women had also got on fishing boats since Tenmei era (1781-1789). It meant women were not satisfied with fishing from the shores. They caught fishes such as crucian carps, eels, catfishes, and blowfishes.

 They went to Kanagawa for fishing which is 25km away from the central Edo. They had one-day trip to Kanagawa in spring, but they had two-day trip in winter. I guess people stayed there in order to enjoy sashimi (row fish) and hot-pot parties because fishes are delicious in winter. They caught fishes such as mackerels, horse mackerels, flounder flatfishes, squids and freshwater prawns.
 There were fishing ponds where people paid money and fished such as carps.
By my research, the en-nichi in the night became very popular since around 1800. Guys and girls enjoyed encounters. The en-nichi made it easy for women and children to go out at night. The various kind of en-nichi was held almost every day about 1900.

Portable fishing rod for small fishes and the case.
We assemble the parts and make the fishing rod. フナの釣竿
Gallery of Edo Shitamachi Traditional Crafts  江戸下町伝統工芸館@浅草









Chapter 1: Travel、旅

Highways, post towns and check points were well improved by the Tokugawa shogunate, so people could enjoy travel easier. However people could not travel freely, they needed to submit their travel plans to the local governments and to get approval. Anyway, guidebooks were already published, so traveling became popular among the people. Women had traveled since the end of 17th century. 
Reference: 庶民と旅の歴史 The history of travel of Japanese ordinary people (published in 1971) 

The most famous tour in the Edo period was visiting the Ise shrine, which became popular at the end of 17
th century. It became popular opinion that the men must go to the Ise shrine at least once in their lives. Ise-kous, which were worshipper’s groups of the Ise shrine, were organized nationwide. They saved money to go to the Ise shrine and they had group tours. In the case of the Ise-kou tour, they could get government approval very easily, because visiting Ise shrine was a very respectable religious activity. People who didn’t have enough money went to Ise by asking donations of money and rice. Wealthy merchants in Kyoto and Osaka supported the poor travelers by offering food and other helps. The purposes of the merchants were both their worship and the advertising of their shops. An interesting thing in this chapter was Shochu liquor for removing fatigue of the legs. They sprayed it on their legs. I doubt the effect, but I can say they drunk the liquor later and enjoyed it.

Ise shrine on the New Year’s Day(初詣、2002年)

1章 旅と飛脚







Chapter 6: Ladies、女人総記

There were a lot of mistresses in Edo, because the ratio of men was higher. 

Men paid for their mistresses around $1500 (current value) per month. There were also part time mistresses and men paid $500 for them. I think the part time job was so hard!

It was written in the old book that samurais, city guys and country guys who came to Edo frequently, had their own mistresses.  I doubt the retired man, who was described in Yoshino’s diary, was one of them or not. There was the word “Kyo-kakoi”. “Kyo” means Kyoto city and “kakoi” means a mistress and her house. The man went to the house when he was in Kyoto.
Ladies started to work in shops after the mid-19th century. It was not thought a good thing before then. In the early 19th century, ladies could go out in the evening. They enjoyed en-nichi fairs or the cool evening breeze.

In terms of the marriage, people didn’t meet before they got married in Edo, but it was different in Kyoto and Osaka.
Some people in Kyoto and Osaka fell in love before they got married. I must explain that parents or matchmakers selected partners at that time.

In Edo, it became common that parents sent their female children to the Japanese dance schools where children learned not only dancing but also decent manners. Girls who could perform the Japanese dance could work for Daimyo lord which meant that girls earned a lot.
6章 女人総記

Chapter 8: Red-light district with prostitutes、花街と岡場所

The most famous red-light district was Yoshihara which was authorized by the government.
Even ordinary craftsmen could go there after Ansei big earthquake in the mid-19th century. They became rich because they had a lot of good jobs to rebuild the houses. 

Yoshihara by Kunisada、新よし原尾州樓かり by 国貞

 There were illegal red-light districts too.
 Those were restaurants and tea houses. The number of such kind of districts was around 40. Moreover there were about 4,000 prostitutes who stood on the streets or stayed at houses in Edo in the mid-18th century.

 The girls who stood on the street were called "Yo-taka". 
"Yo" means the night and "taka" means a hawk. The bool named "Yo-taka saiken" was published in 1845. Forty nine Yo-taka girls were introduced in that book, but it was said that the selling of the book was prohibited right after it was pulished. I guess that the contents of the book were extreme or people sought for the popular Yotakas and caused confusion.
 In the post towns, there were inns and prostitutes. They were women called “Meshimori-onna” and “Sentaku-onna”. “Meshimori-onna" means a waitress. “Sentaku” means a laundry or washing and “onna” means a woman. Such kinds of women worked as prostitutes too. Shinagawa post town had 500 prostitutes, Shinjyuku, Senjyu and Itabashi post town had 150 prostitutes respectively. 

Yu-na” is described next in this book.
  “Yu” is hot water and “na” is a woman, so “yu-na” was a woman at a public bathhouse. The first public bathhouse opened in 1591 in Edo. Dozens of yu-nas scrubbed the person’s body, washed the hair, served a cup of hot water or tea, and talked with bathers. It was called “yu-na” bath, but the government restricted them severely later. I guess they had another business.
Other type of bath houses started at Kanda, where people could listen to songs.

Strangely enough, there were prostitutes called priestess. They were originally peddlers who sold picture of the hell, but after around 1660, they became prostitutes with shaved head as priestess. They were popular among some men.

 Geisya-girls or Japanese dancers, waitresses in tea houses and assistants in archery ranges worked at Edo. Edo might have been a good place for guys.
 Must check!: Kiyu-Shouran (Entertainment Encycl.)  (Part 2) about prostitute 

8章 花街と岡場所







 必見ページ: 嬉遊笑覧 (Part 2)・・・遊女の巻
 参考ページ:吉原はスゴイ (堀口茉純、2018)

Chapter 4: Lives of ordinary people、僧と庶民

Shops opened at 6am in Edo. Peddlers started their jobs at 7am. Craftsmen and employees worked from 7am to 5pm, so they worked 10 hours a day. The employees who stayed at employer houses worked from 8am to 7 pm, so they worked 11 hours a day.

 It was very important for people to take a bath. Public bathhouses became popular mid Edo era. The number of bathhouses became 550 at the end of Edo period. In my research, the number reached to 2500 in 1965, but the number declined to 600 in 2015 because most of houses equip a bath nowadays. Anyway, at that time, a lot of people took bath two times a day, in the morning and in the evening. 

Men and women got into same bath, but mixed bathing was prohibited sometimes. Surprising fact was that men could see the female bath and women could see the male bath until 150 years ago. Moreover there was almost no boundary in male and female dressing rooms. About 20 people could soak in the bath at once. It is Japanese way to take bath together. Some public bathhouses had clothes rental shops on the second floor. People disguised and went to the red-light districts. For example, a head clerk wore clothes for a craftsman. It is funny.

Specialties of Edo were so many such as Nori sea weed of Asakusa, new soba noodle in September, fresh-brewed sake rice wine, sweet dried persimmons. There were so many specialties in Edo, so it must be fabulous for people to go to Edo. 

4章 僧と庶民





Chapter 9: Various Performances、各種の興行

People enjoyed Kabuki, Kyogen, sumo wrestling, Yose (storytelling, songs of girls). There were temporary theaters of acrobatics, magic, blowpipe, monsters mansion in Hiyokechi which was the area where all buildings were demolished in order to prevent the fire spreading.
 Kyogen (YouTube)


Next post: Ordinary farmer's life in the Edo period
 Yoshino’s daily life 07, September and October in 1849(嘉永2年秋)
Previous pset : Glossary, Regular Festival with Market En-nichi 縁日



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