This is a very popular museum among foreigners because you can soak in the Edo (old name of Tokyo) atmosphere. I visited to see the special exhibition of the sumo grand champion “Taiho” and the traditional street performance this time.
Fukagawa Edo museum (Part1) 江東区深川江戸資料館(その1)
“Taiho” area、横綱大鵬顕彰コーナー
Taiho (1940-2013) was one of the strongest sumo grand champions (Yokoduna). He won the first prize 32 times.I know how strong he was. When I was a child, it is said “Boys are fond of Giants (baseball team), Taiho and fried egg.” He was so popular.
He was also an honorary citizen of Kotou-ward. This area was installed to respect and reward him five years ago.
Recommendation letter to promote him to the Yokoduna grandchmpion: it is written, “His character and power are outstanding, so we recommend him as Yokoduna.”
The character (personality) is more important than power, that is “SUMO”.
The fifth anniversary of “Taiho area”
The long sword for Taiho.
The ceremony of entering the sumo ring: When Yokoduna gets in the ring, he is accompanied with his Tachi-mochi (sword bearer) and Tsuyu-harai (literally means dew-sweeper, outrider).
Decorated belts for the ceremony above
This belt is for a sword bearer in the right. It is one of the other belts set for the ceremony. Head of Shishi lion is embroidered.
This is for Taiho
in center. Sakaduki cup is embroidered.
This is for an outrider in the left. These were presented by Taiho’s supporter association.
He achieved his first win of the tournament in 1960 when he was twenty.
The 31st win in 1970. Every wrestler used a simple black belt at that time.
“Akeni” trunk. Only upper-class wrestlers (sekiroti) are approved to use this.
Taiho’s outfits and his calligraphy in center. It is written “Nin” which means enduring difficult days and which was also his motto.
He said, “The character “Nin (忍)” consists of mind (心) and sword (刃) which is above the mind. I’ve done my best day by day. Nin represents my life. I hope those “dreams” would come true at the end of such life.” He was born in Sakhalin at the end of the WW2 and had a hard time.
Taiho Doujou (stable) is near the museum.
Peddlers and Street performers in the Edo period、江戸の物売りと大道芸
People in Edo mainly bought things from peddlers, not from stores.
I went there with the aim of seeing the performance below which is
held in the spring and the autumn at this museum. It was interesting
performance but sadly taking a movie was prohibited.
Each peddler came at the same time every day together with a unique
call. They were taught to become local clocks. The
performer above played various calls.
In the morning, a clam peddler came at first, followed by a natto
(fermented soy beans) and a tofu peddler.
A cold-water peddler came with a unique call by which people
felt cool.
On the other hand, a hot pepper peddler came with a sharp
call which people felt hotter tasting.
In the summer, a non-alcoholic rice beverage (amazake) was
popular as an energy drink. Amanoya in Kanda (
has been popular since the Edo period.
決まった時間に現れる物売りは、「行く先の 時計となれや 小商人」と言われたそうだ。初めは、TVでも見るしげちゃんの売り声。アサリ売り、納豆売り、豆腐売りの順でやってくる。水は、「ひゃっこい」と冷たそうに売る。葉唐辛子は、辛そうに、キリッとした売り声になる。甘酒はドリンク剤で夏に売れたそうだ。神田明神の天野屋さん(が有名だとか。
決まった時間に現れる物売りは、「行く先の 時計となれや 小商人」と言われたそうだ。初めは、TVでも見るしげちゃんの売り声。アサリ売り、納豆売り、豆腐売りの順でやってくる。水は、「ひゃっこい」と冷たそうに売る。葉唐辛子は、辛そうに、キリッとした売り声になる。甘酒はドリンク剤で夏に売れたそうだ。神田明神の天野屋さん(が有名だとか。
Vegetable peddler、野菜売り
Candy peddler: her costume attracts
There were paper litter collectors even in the Edo period. They brought waste paper to a paper reclamation factory where litters were melted and were formed to paper again.
It is a same system as the present one. After the quality became bad
because of too much recycle, the paper was used at a toilet.
Street performance、大道芸
This man sells a talisman. He says that you need to worship more, and shows a strange phenomenon (magic) in order to cheat audiences and sell a talisman finally. It is a funny show.
Nanjin bamboo blind、南京玉すだれ
The performer changes the shape of the blind while singing. Audiences clap in rhythm to him, so it is cheerful.
It’s changed to the shape of a Buddhism pagoda,
It’s also a halo of a Buddhism statue,
Finally, it becomes willow wands.
Young people perform this. Good!
Website of this group(日本大道芸・大道芸の会): exhibits (Ornaments of moon viewing)
We used a lunar calendar until the Edo period. On the 15th of August (full moon) when the sky is clear, we have a moon viewing event even now.
It says that the viewing spots in the Edo period were water front area where many restaurants were opened and bustle.
Offerings to the moon: Dango dumplings were so big (6~10cm). In Osaka, children stuck these confectioneries and stole. That was a funny custom. (My home town, Ibaraki -Customs- (Part1) 、September)
月見飾りの再現展示。団子がとにかくでかい。大阪・茨木の子どもたちは、飾りの団子を棒で突いて盗むと団子突きをすると言うが、この大きさならできる。(わがまち茨木 -風習編- その1、9月)
Main exhibition room in which Fukagawa town in the Edo period is rebuilt. It’s a good taste.
Colorful inn “Sagami-ya”、派手な船宿「相模屋」
Conventional inn “Masuda-ya” where moon viewing ornaments were set in the backside.
Sake is also prepared. It is elegant and
Eight funs(楽fun)were found. Visited in September, 2019
Website: (in Japanese), accessed in May, 2020
Website of Part1 of this museum、パート1のサイトです:
Fukagawa Edo museum 江東区深川江戸資料館
Previous post (Sumo wrestling district which is just 2-stops by metro、都営で二駅の両国です):
Ryogoku and Sumo Museum 両国と相撲博物館
Next post (Museum of Haiku (short poem) master, 15 minute walk from here):
Basho memorial museum 芭蕉記念館
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