museum is in the Nishihara Natural Forest which is about 40km north of Tokyo. Old houses and a school are also exhibited in this forest. The catchword of Miyashiro
town is “To live with water and greenery”, because there are Tone River and
Musashino forest.
of ancient cuisines attract me. Those are not good-looking but I am sure that
the family dinner was fun. The picture of the trip to the Kumano Shrine, in
which men enjoy a lot, also attracts me. I took photos under the permission.
Ancient era、縄文・弥生時代
The models of foods of the Jomon period
(more than three thousand years ago); Those are dumplings and cookies of nuts,
meat balls and soup of oysters or clams.
Simple accessories in the Jomon period.
The model of a staple food of the Yayoi
period (around two thousand years ago) when rice farming started in Japan.
People still ate millet.
Acorn nut dumplings are on the Yayoi-style
clay bowl.
The soup of shijimi clams, which doesn’t
look good, but maybe tastes good because it is a shellfish soup.
Reference (Exhibits of Japanese food since the primitive age、日本の食事の展示:原始時代から):MAHORON(Fukushima
Cultural Property Centre, Shirakawa Branch)、まほろん(福島県文化財センター・白河館)
Edo period (1603~1868)、江戸時代
Ema board of a trip to the Kumano Shrine
attracts me.
Enlarged ema board: It was offered to the
local shrine in 1815 by eleven men, because they completed a safe trip to
Kumano Shrine which is 450km away from their village in direct distance. Kumano
are is a very popular tourist destination even now.
think it was a cold season because farmers traveled in winter which is an
agricultural off-season. BUT they are half-naked.
Although they are scruffy, they are full of
happiness and excitement. I can feel how they enjoyed the trip and how they
felt relief after returning to their village.
This town is in a marsh area, so people
had struggled to develop new fields.
The picture of the US fleet which came to
Japan in 1853 and Japanese samurai troops. It triggered the disruption of the Tokugawa
shogunate and the Edo period.
Meiji period (1868-1912) 、明治時代
Christianity was prohibited in the Edo period,
but it was allowed in the Meiji period. Wato church in this town is the oldest
in Saitama prefecture.
Kato’s house and Ancient house、加藤家住宅と竪穴式住居
Kato family was a village head in the Edo
period. This house (right) was built around 1813. The ancient house (left) was
rebuilt here.
Surprisingly enough, firewood is burned in
a big kitchen stove. Smoke spread everywhere in the house, so I can realize the
inhouse condition back then. In Shikoku, I saw a smoke barrier wall of an old
house. Perhaps it worked well.
Kitchen (Earthen floor)、土間の台所
Smoky living space、煙が漂う居間
Firewood is also burned in the ancient
house. The smoke is exhausted from the top.
Saitou’s house、旧齋藤家住宅
This building was made in the Meiji
Talismans for fire-protection and theft-protection
are attached near the entrance door.
Miyashiro town、宮代町内
I visited an onsen hot spring of the neighboring
town Sugito. Utano-yu is popular because of a large open-air bath.
Visited in April, 2019
(in Japanese), accessed in June, 2020
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