Observing children and adults in Ikarigaseki
Letter 28 IKARIGASEKI碇が関, AOMORIKEN, August 2
She experienced heavy rain in Ikarigaseki. The
bridge was washed out. People
crossed the river with water up until their shoulders,
while horses also with water up until their backs.
Did she exaggerate?
Did she exaggerate?
She stayed at Ikarigaseki for four days because of the heavy rain. During her stay, she cured Japanese using her medicine, and mentioned hygienic status in Japan. “The absence of soap, the infrequency with which clothing is washed, and the absence of linen next to skin, cause various cutaneous diseases, --“, it’s bad.
Ikariga-seki、碇ヶ関(October, 2020)
Japanese children
She wrote about the play of children. I guess
the children whom Isabella met were probably ordered to be decent, so I think we
had better not believe her report completely. Because Japanese government was
eager to catch up western countries at that time, so they pretended to be civilized when they met foreigners.
she wrote, “I am very fond of Japanese children.” She continued and wrote why
she liked them; “Filial piety is the leading virtue in Japan, and
unquestioning obedience is the habit of centuries.” “I admire the way in which
children are taught to be independent in their amusement. --- when there is a
doubt, ---, the fiat of a senior child decides the matter. They play by
themselves, and don’t bother adult at any turn.” She usually carried sweeties
with her. She mentioned the behavior when children received them; “---
obtaining permission from the father or mother. When that is gained, they smile and bow profoundly, and hand the
sweeties to those present before eating any themselves.” She praised Japanese
children; “They are gentle creatures”,
however she added “too formal and precocious”. It must be true that they were so
cute and polite.
children eating potatoes around 100 years ago
She watched the children who played with insects
and handmade toys. She wrote; “Two fine boys are very clever in harnessing
paper carts to the back of beetles with gummed traces, so that eight of them
draw a load of rice up an inclined plane. --- Here are number of infants watch the performance with
motionless interest, and never need the adjuration, “Don’t touch”.” Quiet children were very rare and favorable
for her. Meanwhile, we Japanese keep insects as pets. It was also new for
her, so she mentioned, “In most of houses there are bamboo cages for “the shrill-voiced
Katydid,” and the children amuse themselves with feeding these vociferous
足成 http://www.ashinari.com/2013/08/20-380989.php |
She also described the handmade toys, those were water-wheels; “The
channels of swift water in the street turn a number of toy water-wheels, which
set in motion most ingenious mechanical toys, of which a model of the automatic
rice-husker is the commonest, and boys
spend much time devising and watching these, which are really very fascinating.”
I am amazed because they made complicated toys by themselves and gazed the
motion quietly. Water-wheel is sold as a plastic model nowadays. They also went to
school of course, and they had an examination.
model of a water mill、夏のせせらぎ (米つき水車小屋)
SEARCH http://www.1999.co.jp/10016773
Kite Flying and Kite Fighting 凧揚げに凧合戦
She was excited about the event and wrote:
“--- the boys have been flying kites, made of tough paper on a bamboo frame,
all of a rectangular shape, some of them five feet square, nearly all decollated
with huge faces of historical heroes. Some of them have a humming arrangement
made of whale-bone.”, and
“There was a very
interesting contest between two grate kites, and it brought out the whole
population. The string of each kite, for 30 feet or more below the frame, was
covered with pounded glass, made to adhere very closely by means of tenacious
glue, and for two hours the
kite-fighters tried to get their kites into a proper position for sawing the
adversary’s string in two.”
As a result,
“At last one was successful, and
the severed kite became his property, upon which victor and vanquished
exchanged three low bows. ---“.
I can believe so far, however she wrote
“silently they watched this exciting contest.” I cannot believe it, because they
should have made a big noise if Isabella wasn’t there. I suppose this was held
for Isabella temporarily.
Anyway, it
must be an exciting event and was fun for people.
Kite fighting in Niigata、白根大凧合戦@新潟
When she was in an inn, she saw a card-game.
She wrote “The children sit in a circle, and the adults look on eagerly, child-worship being more common in Japan
---“. Perhaps they were poor, however they were happy with taking care of their
children. It was a peaceful life. I like it.
宿屋での夜には、カードゲームを見る。ことわざが書かれたカードを使うが、今の遊び方と違い、配られたカードのうち読み上げられたものを除いていき、手札がなくなったら勝ちとなる。子供たちは円座でこのゲームをし、大人たちは周りで見ている。貧しかったろうが、幸せがある。子どもを大切にする日本人を、子ども崇拝(worship)とまで書いている。素敵な暮らしだ。![]() |
Japanese family early 20th century
post (Stay in Akita and inland journey again 秋田での滞在と再び内陸の旅):
post (Aomori and Hokkaido 青森から函館へ):
There are 12 articles about Isabella's travel in Japan. The first page:
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