What were the fun things for Japanese more than 100 years ago? 昔の人々の楽しみとは? (2nd ed., one of three/第二版その1)
2.Four foundations in order to have a fun & full life、人生を楽しむために必要な4つの土台(Part2)
3.Just enjoy today without spending (but with pals)、そこにある「時」を楽しむ生き方(Part3)
I consider people live because it is fun. I think we don’t
live to grow as a person, not to make money; we just live to enjoy and pass our
A question came to mind, which was “Did people even in the old times (pre-modern era) enjoy their life?”
There were not useful goods such as a car, were not convenient services such as internet. I research a lot; books, old diaries and exhibits of museums. My conclusion is “They enjoyed life.”
They worked as farmer or
fisherman and enjoyed tangible achievements such as harvest. They also enjoyed
traveling, hobby and sexual activity.
I would like to show you how people enjoyed life in this article.
I think there are contain helpful advices for modern people who are pressed for
time, information and material desires.
1.People in the old days enjoyed daily life、 日々を楽しんでいた人たち
Japan quit the national isolation policy in
1854, so western people gradually got into our country. There first and
common impression for Japanese ordinary people was “Japanese people are
content and feel happy”.
The title of the photo below is “Happy land of the rising sun, where
song unceasing flows”. I don’t know they were
traveling entertainers or cherry-blossom viewers. The photo was taken in 1896
which was just after the victory of the Sino-Japanese War, so we have to take
it into account. Anyway, they look enjoyable.
Western people, who came from industrial
countries wherein people worked hardly at factory, probably regarded Japanese people as
cheerful and happy ones. Btw, I hear people sang while
working and walking back then.
So, what made Japanese people enjoyable? Enjoying
is an integral part of life, I believe.
Reference: Remnants
of Days Past: A Journey through Old Japan、逝きし世の面影
上の写真(1896年、お花見の一行か旅芸人一座?)のタイトルは「歌が絶えない、幸せな日本」 (Happy land of the rising sun, where song
unceasing flows、” Land of the rising sun”は日本の別称なのです)。
2. Five fun things of their life、江戸・明治時代の人たちの五つの楽しみ
85 percentage of Japanese in the pre-modern
era (Edo and Meiji period, 1603-1912) lived in farming or fishing village. I have
explored their fun things and reached a conclusion “five fun things” depicted
in the figure below.
○ Working is the core of their fun
Although it would be unexpected for some
readers, I’m sure of it. All people including children and aged ones contributed
to their family and community. Therefore, they were thanked by others;
they were rewarded.
The clear differences between their working style and ours are,
(2) They worked with family members and neighbors
(3) They got tangible results such as grain or fish
They worked not only for earning but also
for enjoying. (It’s normal for Japanese, but is it
strange for you?)
A retired fisherman told in dialect, “How happy I am when pulling up fish on a boat, you
never imagine! If you get ten large tai fishes in a day, you feel great. You’d
like to drink in the evening. During a big catch, I didn’t think of earning.
I just enjoyed fishing. I really wondered why everybody didn’t become a
Reference: The
Forgotten Japanese (published in 1960 )(1/6)、忘れられた日本人
Japanese rice planters at dinner--eating rice (1905), you are not alone. 農作業中の賄い、一人じゃないからね(https://www.loc.gov/item/2020637910/)
○ Fun of gathering、集まる楽しみ
They enjoyed free time after working (not just sleeping).
What did they do during at that time? They
gathered really frequently. They gathered, chatted, ate, drank, sang and
danced. Restaurant was seldom in a village, so they gathered at someone’s
house. It’s economic, right?
Annual events and celebrations such as
wedding ceremony were good opportunities for gathering. Their bond was too
strong, so they couldn’t die alone; it is a social problem in Japan now.
○ Fun of traveling、旅する楽しみ
Traveling was the most fun thing for them. Because, they worked and
lived in a village (they spent all time in their village). The destinations
were shrine/temple or onsen hot-spring. Why?
They were needed to get a passport to
travel. Faith (go to shrine-temple) and medical treatment (onsen) were good
reasons for application. No one could reject it.
After getting a passport, they traveled
freely. They took a detour to Kyoto and Osaka while going to Ise Shrine; it
took more than a week.
Traveling was dangerous back then, so they
departed in a group. They went on the burst together at inn; singing with a
shamisen guitar, getting a massage and so on. Fellow travelers made their trip
joyful; they were crucial.
○ Fun of hobby、趣味の楽しみ
They enjoyed hobby during free time. Their hobbies were elaborate such
as creating a poem and growing plant.
They needed time in order to improve
skill. “Spending time but not spending money” was a
sure style for them (they had no other option). On the contrary, our major
hobbies such as watching movie or enjoying dinner, require us to spend money
but not to make much effort. There are many hobbies that we can enjoy without
certain money.
○ Fun of loving、性愛の楽しみ
They enjoyed loving freely under the different ethics; it was a loose one.
The sense of chastity landed Japan in the late 19th century with western
culture and Christianity. It was not unusual for people to visit a bedroom of a
girl suddenly before marriage. It would be crime of trespassing at present if
they sue.
I can say that the people even in the old times (pre-modern era) enjoyed daily life cheerfully. There were almost no goods and no services by today's measure.Knowing their life leads to enjoying
lifetime without much money, I think. We couldn’t
copy their way of life, because we have already gotten abundant goods and
services. However, we can imitate their style.
I think their ways of life would give
valuable suggestion to the modern people shown below.
- A person explores joyful life after retirement.
- A person wants to escape from life of time pressure, abundant information and goods, and wants to live simply.
- A person lives or wants to live in a rural area rich in nature; it includes a person who wants to be a minimalist or an environmentalist.
- 定年後の暮らし方を模索している人
- 時間・情報・モノに追われる生活をやめ、シンプルな生き方を求めている人
- 自然豊かな環境で暮らしている人、あるいは、暮らしたい人(ミニマリストやサステイナブルな生活を目指している人も)
Baby sitters in Yokohama (1904). It seems that they have a hard time and a fun one. They were a bit older than my grandma.
Previous post (museum in Nagano prefecture, central Japan): Fujimi Historical Folklore Museum、富士見町歴史民俗資料館
Next post (part2 of this article): What were the fun things for Japanese more than 100 years ago? 昔の人々の楽しみとは?
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