Fujimi town (Nagano prefecture, central Japan) is at the foot of Yatsugatake Mountains; it is a very cold area. The museum shows us exhibits such as everyday goods and photos which help us understand the local life well. The photos were taken in 1950s by the local photographer who is also a farmer and was a saw (specialty) vender. His photos tell us the happiness to work and live near children.
Old everyday goods are exhibited just behind the entrance. The signboards in early 20th century (left) are simple. We can know what shop is it easily.
Items about packhorse are displayed in a trip section. Men (uma-kata) guided dozens of horses at the end of the convoy. They chatted and sang while walking; “We are poorer than beggars. They can sleep at night. (we had to walk even at night)” They had a license tag (below) to pass checkpoint.
A building which was an inn for uma-kata remains at former post-town. A stone with a hole was used to hitch horse (upper left).
The wooden tags above would be license or pass. Not only vender but also entertainer had them. Villagers would have looked forward to their visits.
Cooking utensils to make soba noodle. A small basket with handle on the left is similar to the one in another area in the same prefecture (Nagawa in Matsumoto City). It is used to warm noodle before eating. I think it is a common item in a cold area.
The caption by the pot says that it was used while hunting and so on. Btw, cooking outside is a boom in Japan.
The tag of the small barrel says “nusumi (stealing) taru (barrel)”. Man, who went to work at a sake brewer, used it to get fresh one. Did they steal? I don’t know.
The tag says “opium inhaler and sake set”. Was there any opium smoker in Japan? Surprising!
そして、「アヘン吸器 酒器」と書かれた展示品があります。まじか。
Old photos tell us a lot about annual events etc.
Children hit gongs and drums; it was an event to drive insect pest away. The photo upper right was taken in 1959. Children held the event.
The event (Tenjin-kou) was held to pray for academic achievement in 1957. Students held the event.
The utensils and playthings displayed above are a bit luxurious.
There are two kinds of Go stones and their containers. One was used usually, and another was done while playing a match with a guest. Go was a popular entertainment during winter in farming village.
Arms are displayed. The sickles and chains at lower left have knife inside. My question is who owned.
There are many items in a farming tool room. A farming house was rebuilt behind them. The lattice window is unique. I don’t think there were wolf. But there were many wild animals outside.
We cannot get on the floor. Because, the material was used in a farmer’s house before. It’s amazing. The basket on the right was used as a cradle.
Baby pees, so used cloth is put in the basket (1956).
The basket was used even outside. The photo above was taken at the same time as the cover of the photographer’s book was done (Amazon.co.jp: Life at farming and mountain villages in around 1960). Children were brought up beside workplace.
いずみは外でも使えます。武藤氏の写真集(Amazon.co.jp: 写真で綴る昭和30年代農山村の暮らし: 高度成長以前の日本の原風景)の表紙と同じ場所での写真です。保育園がなくても職場の近くで子育てできますね。
The title of the photo above is “The first bathing of the baby” (1955).
“Beside the fireplace of my house” (1956). A man is making a straw product, and children eat rice balls.
The net (upper left) was used while picking weeds of rice field. The shape of rice leaves looks like sword, so they protected their face. I was surprised that such a small protector remains.
“Sun drying of rice” (1956). Although we can see same scene even now, clothes are different.
“Burning rice husks” 1956). The man is burning husks and is taking care of children.
“Making straw rope” (1959). Children are in workplace of the man. Although they don’t look so rich, they look happy.
There is also a child beside a blacksmith (1957).
The car above was used while puddling. People often worked with horse or cattle.
The basket above was used to catch small fishes (such miller thumb) in river. It is a handmade tool! I cannot believe they caught fishes for a meal by such a simple device.
The section is about sericultural industry, which brought significant cash to villagers in the past. There is a glass bottle inside the basket to reserve formalin; it is not used so much nowadays because of cancer-causing.
Children are also at workplace. (left:1957, right:1958)
“Shipping of cocoon” (1955). Working animals such as horse were near at hand.
1955年の繭の出荷は馬! 一昔前まで、働く動物が身近にいたのですね。
Official website of the historical folklore museum:
https://userweb.alles.or.jp/fujimi/rekimin.html (in Japanese)
Idojiri Archaeological Museum、井戸尻考古館
Ticket of Fujimi Historical Folklore Museum is sold at Idojiri Archaeological Museum above. Two museums are near Idojiri archaeological site.
It is the site in Jomon period (from around 12,000 to around 2,400 years ago). The exhibits attracted me so much! It says that the excavations suggest that its society was not only a hunting and gathering one but also a farming one of planting millet and so on.
The world view based on phases of the moon (those influenced living and dying), myths of volcano, male-stone and female-stone and so on are so interested. The image above is named “earliest ancestor of goddess” from Sakaue site in the town. (It is not scope of my blog so I uploaded only its outline.)
Official website of the archaeological museum:
https://userweb.alles.or.jp/fujimi/idojiri.html (in Japanese, but much info.), accessed in December, 2024
We can see Mt. Fuji (left) and the Japan Central Alps from the museum. Idojiri site park is in front of them. It moved me that primitive people made ceramics and prayed in this place.
Fujimi town is on Koshu-kaidou (highway) which led to Tokyo.
Visited in March, 2024
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