What were the fun things for Japanese more than 100 years ago? 昔の人々の楽しみとは? (2nd ed., two of three/第二版その2)
1.Fun of
2.Four foundations in order to have a fun
& full life、人生を楽しむために必要な4つの土台(Part2)…this article/本記事
3.Just enjoy
today without spending (but with pals)、そこにある「時」を楽しむ生き方(Part3)
1. Ordinary people even in the old times enjoyed daily life、日々を楽しんでいた江戸・明治時代の人たち
There were not useful goods such as a car, were not convenient
services such as internet. However, they enjoyed life.
I can mention that there are four crucial foundations for them and for us to enjoy life; they are shown in the figure below.
We have to stay healthy at first and have to get basic necessities of life (food, clothing and shelter/ or money to get them). We need to have them, no matter what: even under the government support.
Simultaneously, we need living environment and peace. Those two are not gained only by individual effort. International organizations and government have to take an important role.
2. Keeping healthy and getting basic necessities、健康と最低限の衣食住の確保
On the other hand, talking about getting basic necessities, they surpassed us. They were actually poorer than us, however, they could live a self-sufficient life.
In addition, they could get food in mountain during famine or war time; they
could find food there like primitive people. Modern Japanese are vulnerable to stable
food supply because we rely on import; our food self-sufficiency rate was only
38% in 2023.
Food security and money for basic necessities are crucial for us; we
Japanese are vulnerable.
3. Importance of environment、環境の尊さ ーサステイナブルでミニマリストだけど楽しんでいた人たちー
People in the old times were minimalist and environmentalist.
They had to rely on the
blessings of nature. There was no choice except for living as environmentalist.
there were almost no goods and no services by today's measure. They had to live
as minimalist. The characteristic of there lifestyles is thought below;
(1) Self-sufficient life – without
buying goods
They got food by producing or bartering, made clothes, and planted
trees for houses (Chestnut tree was useful as building material and food).
They bought goods only they couldn’t make easily: salt, oil, iron product, ceramics and so on. They also bought accessory such as
tortoise-shell comb; they used it over generations.
(2) Perfect reuse and recycle, because they knew environment was irreplaceable
typical example was rice-straw. After harvesting and recovering rice
grains, the straw (byproduct) was weaved and was used as rice-bag, shoes, coats, mat
and so on. After damaging, those were finally returned to soil as fertilizer;
it is done even until now. All organic material went to soil, or was burned
in advance.
Surprisingly enough, pillars of a burned house
were reused as material of a small bridge. They couldn’t think of throwing
(3) Using natural material near at hand
only lumber but also cotton and bamboo (material of everyday goods) were
planted near their village. There were no trucks, so they couldn’t bring
material from the other area; it was an ideal supply chain from the
environmental-friendly view, as a result.
In order to keep their sustainable
supply chain, they needed forest where plants grew;
they maintained it well.
An old wood-cutter in the forest around
Lake Yumoto, Japan(1904)、木を切ってきたおじいさん(https://www.loc.gov/item/2020637861/)
4. Irreplaceable peace -people didn’t enjoy life in the end of Edo period (internal war time) 、平和の尊さ ー楽しめなかった幕末の人たちー
A war completely destroys everyday life. A government announces they
have a war in order to protect its country. However, they only protect their
land, not people. I know how important it is to protect land especially in Europe. If not,
the other ethnic group settles there.
On the other hand, Japan has luckily no experience to be occupied by
an invasion. But, Japan started war both externally and internally; it put in
people, material and money as much as possible.
I consider people in the old times (pre-modern era) were
easy-going. BUT, their personality changed when a war began; they were
involved! People near a battlefield went to mountain in order to take
refuge. Some farmers were summoned, and were worked as laborer. I’m sorry
for them.
A village head in Chiba wrote in his diary that villagers were
summoned and worked as carrier 43 times a year during the rebellion in 1864;
they were summoned just 8 times two years ago. A drunken villager stormed into
his house to complain; it never happened before. They got irritated, lost
their temper and never enjoyed life.
Unfortunately, the warlord delayed; the wife went again three days later. Ordinary people were not so weak to lose hope and enjoyment of their life even in a wartime. They were mentally strong and optimistic, I think.
In my opinion, four integral parts to enjoy life are to stay healthy, to secure basic necessities (food and so on), to live in a sustainable environment and to do in a peaceful world.
Most of us would have a fun and happy life with those four parts.
Previous post (part1 of this article): What
were the fun things for Japanese more than 100 years ago? 昔の人々の楽しみとは?
Next post (part3 of this article): What were the fun things for Japanese more than 100 years ago? 昔の人々の楽しみとは?
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