Washoku means Japanese (wa) Food (shoku), which is also defined as “the traditional dietary cultures of the Japanese”. It is a traveling exhibition which started at Tokyo; it will end at Kumamoto in September of 2025. There were many exhibits including attractive replicas of dishes; it’s enough info to know washoku well.
I saw it at Matsumoto City Museum in
central Japan. Let’s start our tour.
世界的に人気がある和食。2023年10月に国立科学博物館からスタートした巡回展です。私は松本市立博物館で拝見しました(博物館の前に井戸があります)。現在は愛知、その後、京都と熊本を巡回し、2025年9月に終了します。展示品、特に食材や食品の模型が豊富! さて、見ていきましょう。
What is “washoku”? 「和食」とは?
The map on the left shows main ingredients of each region before the Industrial Revolution (from 17th to 18th century). In Japan, those were “rice and fish”.
Ingredients the Archipelago Provides、列島が育む食材
The water is exhibited at the beginning. It is soft water which extracts components of ingredients well. It means the water is suitable to make soup stock.
Mushrooms are popular ingredients in Japan. It is written, “Tricholoma matsutake which has strong aroma and Pholiota nameko which surface is slimy are not popular overseas”, although those are very popular in Japan.
Seafood is a mainstream ingredient same as rice.
Seaweed are valuable ingredients of soup stock. Other ingredients for it are dried fish and mushroom.
Many foods such as sake or soy-sauce are made from rice and soybean.
Fermentation is crucial technology to make sake, miso-paste, soy-sauce, natto and so on, which are good for our health. Fermentation and rot are same biological phenomena. People have control microorganism well and have made precious foods.
The history of Washoku、和食の成り立ち
It is written, “When rice farming became a way of life in the Yayoi period (around two thousand years ago), the culture of rice and fish, the basis of washoku, began to take shape.”
The ancient government prohibited to eat cattle, horse, dog, monkey and chicken; it is said to be due to influence of Buddhism. In the medieval era, Zen monks introduced the sophisticated way of cooking vegetarian meals from China; mass production of soy-sauce and sake began at the same period.
In the peaceful Edo period (1603~1868), people in city area could enjoy eating. The aim of eating changed from just filling their stomach to enjoying dishes with taste, eyesight and smell. Thanks to sea transport, people could easily use precious seaweed (konbu) of Hokkaido.
The ranking list of restaurants (lower right) was published. Daily meals were also improved, although those simple by today’s measure. The first place in the ranking of fish cuisine is grilled dried sardine, and the one of vegetable is simmered tofu with sake and soy-sauce (lower left).
A wide variety of cookbooks were published. The dish in lower left imitates wheel of a noble’s carriage, which is made from egg and sliced lotus root.
Sugar began to be imported a lot and to be distributed. People could enjoy sweets. It was a huge progress.
Bento (portable lunch) became luxurious, because it was not only cooked for working outside or traveling, but also for picnic or theatergoing.
In the Meiji period (1868-1912), Japan modernized. In 1872, beef was served to the emperor at the first time (exhibits in center). Western cuisine started spread. Chinese one also did at the same time.
On the other hand, uniquely Japanese version of Western food was developed such as curry rice, pork cutlet and croquette. Those were improved in order to go well with rice. It is written that Japanese people paid attention to Japanese food at that time. I got it!
After the WW2, frozen food, instant one and so on were spread. Eating alone was not rare since then. The meals and cooking utensils depicted in a long-standing manga (Sazae-san, since 1969) are exhibited.
The panel “Sushi in the world” above is displayed at the last section “Washoku from now on”. It is written, “Some sushi, which we Japanese cannot create, might appear.” It’s wonderful that washoku including sushi becomes popular across world and new versions appear in various regions, I think.
Official website: https://washoku2023.exhibit.jp/index.html
(in Japanese), accessed in December, 2024
Visited in November, 2024
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were the fun things for Japanese more than 100 years ago? 昔の人々の楽しみとは? (2nd
ed., three of three/第二版その3)
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in Toyama prefecture, central Japan): Owara Kaze no Bon Festival and Yatsuo
Owara Museum、おわら風の盆と八尾おわら資料館 (coming soon)
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