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Memorial Museum for Soldiers, Detainees in Siberia, and Postwar Repatriates、平和記念展示資料館

This museum shows us lots of difficulties of Japanese people during the WWⅡ. I visited here to find something fun even in the war time.
 Japanese soldiers who were detained and worked in Siberia created fun even under the difficult condition. They made boardgame by themselves and enjoyed music. Those helped them to live.
 However, I regret that I cannot see the difficulties of Asian people who were invaded by Japan here.


Detainees in Siberia、シベリア抑留の展示コーナー

In the very cold place, detainees built roads and lands. Unfortunately, many people died.

 The theme of this showcase is “Sustaining Morale with Simple Pleasures “. There are pieces of shougi (Japanese chess) and mahjong which were made by detainees, song lyrics sheets, notebooks in which a lady was described and so on.

Handmade shogi (chess) pieces、自作の将棋の駒と袋

Handmade mahjong tiles; It seems to be easy to know what tiles players had.

A lady on the supplied notebook、手帳に書いた女性の絵

Handmade booklet of popular songs

 The panel bellow shows the activity of the famous singer “Haruo Minami”. His Roukyoku songs entertained detainees even in extreme situations. Songs makes people to be happy and give the hope to live. 


 Letters also gave people the hope to live. How the correspondence with family members supported detainees. 453,850 people could return and meet their family. How happy they were. The final ship arrived at Japan in 1956 which was 11 years later of the WW.

Postwar Repatriates、引き揚げ者のコーナー

 Ms. Hirota escaped from Chine with her daughter and baby. She was detained in Korea for one year, and she lost her baby then.
 When she departed for Japan, she would like to dress her daughter so she made clothes bellow for her which was made from baby’s diapers.
 The war robs fun and happiness from ordinary people.

 I knew lots of difficulties of Japanese people, however, I couldn’t know the difficulties of Asian people who were in the battle fields. I regretted it very much.


The museum is at the 33rd floor of Shinjuku Sumitomo Building

Six funs(楽funwere found. Visited in August, 2019

Website: (in English)  (much information in Japanese language site), accessed in May, 2020

Previous post (Museum in Shinjuku):
Next post (Museum near Shijuku):
 The Museum of Toshima City 豊島区立郷土資料館


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