The castle shape museum was built in the Toyama castle site, which is at the center of Toyama city in central Japan. It exhibits mainly Toyama castle and its history.
Although I couldn’t find any fun things of ordinary people which is the theme of my blog, the model of the residence of the retired lord is classy.
Toyama castle was built in 1543. 富山城は1543年、神保氏が築城。
The powerful warlord (Uesugi Kenshin) occupied Toyama region in 1576. There are many people who like the history of the internal wartime in the 15th and the 16th centuries. Some men were attracted by the panels so much.
Afterwards, Maeda clan ruled the region. Its family member ruled Toyama during the Edo period (1603~1868); they inherited the position of Toyama lord for thirteen generations. They had to tighten budget, because the shogun ordered them civil works. Therefore, they initiated new businesses such as selling medicine in order to cover the expenses.
The construction of the castle and the city are shown in detail.
The building "Osuzumi-sho (cool place)" of the model was built in Chitose palace. It was a residence of the retired tenth lord. After the first floor was constructed, the second floor was built on it. The later one was shifted by 45 degrees to see Tateyama mountains (upper right).
千歳御殿内に建てられた御涼所です。一階が建てられた後、立山(右上)を見るために45°ずらして二階を建てたといわれています。粋ですねえ。千歳御殿は10代藩主の隠居所として造営されました。右上は呉羽山展望台から見た富山市街と立山連峰です(展示パネル)。美しいですね。パネルのタイトルは「立山をあおぐ特等席 とやま」でした。
The layout of the palace is shown. Surprisingly enough, the lord permitted locals to see the festival of the shrine in the palace. It is written that the palace looked like a park.
The main gate of the palace built in 1849 was moved to the castle site.
In the section of the modern era, the air raid in 1945 (WW2) is exhibited, which burned out the city. When the reconstruction project was completed, the industrial exposition was held. The building of the museum was built back then.
Official website:
(in Japanese), accessed in March, 2025
Visited in September, 2024
Previous post (port town in the same city): Iwase
Town in Toyama and Baba Residence、富山市岩瀬と馬場家
Next post (museum
in the same prefecture): Tateyama Museum of Toyama and Mt. Tateyama、立山博物館と立山
(coming soon)
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