“O-shishigari” or deer hunting was held by the shogun or the military head for the military exercise and vermin extermination (pest control). In 1849, there were seventy thousand farmers convened in order to chase wild animals to the venue where the shogun existed. Fifty thousand soldiers participated from Edo. This was the biggest event in this region. “O-shishigari” was conducted in these ways.
At first, the roads and bridges from Edo to the venue in Chiba prefecture were repaired. There were uniforms called “Haori” which were delivered to organizers of the villages. The organizers wore uniforms when they participated in the “O-shishigari”. Farmers who were from age 15 to 60 were gathered. They had bamboo bars which were 3.6m long, ropes and foods. On the day before “O-shishigari”, farmers stood on 1.6 meter interval. They made a big circle, soon the circle got smaller and smaller throughout night. The interval between farmers became 50cm in the next morning. Deer were gathered into the hunting venue. Many galleries gathered and many stalls opened there.
Picture of participants at Matsudo museum |
Flags and outfits of farmers at Nagareyama city museum 村の旗と勢子装束 |
In Yoshino’s diary, the “O-shishigari” that was held on the 17th
March in 1849 was mentioned. At that time, 21 boats were connected and used
like a bridge over Edo river, so it was easier to cross the river for the
troops from Edo. Farmers from designated villages gathered on the 15th,
and they were deployed to their positions at dawn on the 16th. That
was a fine day and drinking water was prepared. On the dawn of the 17th, they
started to chase deer and other animals to the hunting venue with bamboo bars.
It was described that it looked like daytime because there were many bonfire
and lanterns. Later that day, it was a sunny day too. “O-shishigari” hunting
started after ringing the bell. The farmers were leading the animals to go to
the hunting area. The area was 66,000 square meters. The participants were as follows:
Cavalry soldiers and foot soldiers 27,000,
Reinforcements 23,000,Designated farmers 50,000,
Farmers includes spectators 20,000,
Galleries 20,000,
Merchants 10,000,
Total 150,000 people
Farmers who participated in the event were given those animals.
At 4pm, they stopped hunting. Two hundred barrels of sake were presented to the organizers from villages, and 3 pieces of silver coins were given to the 7 oldest people. It was a big attraction for people.
Picture of “O-shishigari” |
The shogun's site、将軍お立場
小金原牧狩立場之図(部分) https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1302624?tocOpened=1
O-shishigari hunting、小金原牧狩ノ図(部分)
Return to the Edo castle、小金原牧狩引揚ノ図(部分)
騎馬、歩行 27,000人
同勢、諸家 23,000人
七手の勢子(正式に召集された勢子) 50,000人
加勢子(見物人も多数と言われる) 20,000人
拝見の輩 20,000人
商人体の者(店も多数出ていたようだ) 10,000人
Next post : The government and leader at that time
Shogun and Shogunate 将軍と幕府 (Glossary)
Previous post : Farmer's life in this aria and at that time
Yoshino’s daily life 02, Life and fun of Yoshino family 吉野家の暮らしと楽しみ
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