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EDO-TOKYO MUSEUM (2/2) 、江戸東京博物館 PartⅡ

(This museum is closed until 2025 for renovations. Looking forward to the reopening.
 Recent info. 最新情報:江戸東京博物館 (

You can understand most about Edo (old name of Tokyo, before 1867) and Tokyo in this huge museum. I focus on the Edo period here and I show you exhibits about entertainment, performances, arts and travels in Part .
Reference:EDO-TOKYOMUSEUM (1/2)  江戸東京博物館 PartⅠ

Four seasons of Edo and entertainment 江戸の四季と盛り場

Four seasons of Edo and entertainment

The photo below shows good places for enjoying scenery of flowers. People went out to see flowers. 四季の花見の場所。人々は花を田訪ねて出歩く。

Four seasons in the historical material for example “Touto saijiki”.

The woman below is cooking a bonito while a little cuckoo is frying over. This is a typical spring scene in April.

The next picture shows the opening ceremony of the boating season of Sumida River on the 28th of May. Fireworks were launched and the night markets started the operation beside Ryogoku Bridge. People went out to the cool river in this summer boating season which lasted until the 28th of August.

On the night of the 26th of July, “Nijyuroku-ya-machi” was held. “Nijyuroku-ya” means “the 26th night” and “machi” means waiting. It was said, “If people pray to three great Bodhisattvas (Amida, Kannon and Seishi Bodhisattva) who appeared in the moon light at that night, people caught the luck.” People also went to the high places such as Shinagawa or visited restaurants by the sea and waited for moonrise, so those were parties. Ordinary people in this era could enjoy pastime well.

The 26th night waiting at Takanawa where many people gathered.

Watching seven kinds of autumn flower in the mid-July.

On the 15th of August, people enjoyed moon viewing while offering rice cakes, sake (alcohol) and Japanese pampas grass. This event is equivalent to the moon cake festival in China. It is written “Many places are crowded because of moon viewing. Under the clear moonlight, people ride on the boats and enjoy moon viewing.” It was cool.

After the first day of winter in the lunar calendar, chrysanthemum flowers were displayed.  

The next funny photo shows Ebisu-kou on 20th of October. People pray to Ebisu god and Daikoku god for becoming rich with offering a bream fish.

The sumou wrestling tournament has been held at Ekouin temple in Ryogoku since 1827 in spring and autumn for 10 days. It was held in Kyoto in summer and in Osaka in winter. People from various social status gathered from early morning, so it was a big event in Edo. Sumou is popular regardless of the era.

The caption was written in English which stated “Show tents, playhouses and tea houses stood, and on the streets were performers and shops. The entertainment district thrived with people as if they were holding a festival everyday.”
The entertainment district、江戸の盛り場

Various skills for girls
Girls needed to learn art skills and manners in order to work at samurai houses which could help them to get good matches easily.

Textbook for girls

Travels (Pilgrimage) 参拝の旅

After the mid-Edo period, pilgrimage became popular. People were required passports for traveling in the Edo period, so pilgrimage was the best reason to apply a passport.
Popular shrines and temples、主要参拝旅行地

Belongings and wooden sword which was brought to Mt. Oyama、富士山、大山参拝の道具

Woodblock print about pilgrimage to Mt.Oyama

Sendachi’s outfit of Mt. Fuji kou、富士山講先達の行衣(ぎょうい)、大正末期から昭和初期の品

The coat above seems to be dirty, but it was good because there are plenty of stamps and certifications on it.

Aesthetics of Edo 江戸の美

Edo style in which designs were favored by common people was simple and conservative.  Edo indigo(江戸紫)was popular. 江戸っ子好み。

Inrou (Pillboxes)、印籠(印鑑や薬入れ)

Ukiyoe in the daily life. Ukiyoe was a printing, but it was used for everyday goods such as fans and fryers.

Famous Ukiyoe artists、浮世絵師

Kabuki actors by Kiyonobu Torii (1727)

Lovers under plum blossoms, parody of Tang dynasty emperor Xuanzong and concubine Yang Guifei by Kiyohiro Torii ( around 1760)、梅樹下の男女 見立 玄宗皇帝と楊貴妃

Mt.Fuji from Tokyo by Kiyohiro Torii (around 1760)

Kabuki actors by Kiyohiro Torii (1756)、大磯屋前五人男

Sumo wrestling using pillows is shown. After being defeated, the girl must drink sake. 枕相撲、正月の吉原の座敷遊び。枕が倒れた方が負けで、大盃の酒を飲み干すようだ。

Ukiyoe introduced to Europe、海を渡った浮世絵

J.M.Whistier, The Golden Screen (1864)、ホイッスラー

Theaters and pleasure quarters 芝居と遊里

Full scale model of Kabuki show theater

The Sukeroku which is a title of Kabuki show is acted even now. 助六の舞台

Actors and staff had a party when many customers came. 「猿若三座振る舞い宴のであき」 興行成績が良かったときは、「当り振舞」と称して関係者を招き、宴会を開いたそうだ。これは、嬉しい会だ。それにしても、歌舞伎役者の口が、横に長く描かれている。

The location of Yoshihara red light district、吉原の位置

Ladies in the morning. They prepared and wrote letters to their customers.

In the daytime, men came but most of them just looked.

Party at night

Customers hid faces and returned in the morning

Number of courtesans of Yoshihara

Rain at night in Yoshiwara (the road to Yoshiwara)
江戸八景 吉原夜の雨

To Meiji and Taishou period、明治大正時代へ

Perry, American commander-in-chief visited Japan which triggered the end of the Tokugawa shogunate and the Edo period. ペリー来航。

Urban culture and recreation after the Edo period, it was Meiji period.

The photo of a Geisya girl which was displayed at the tower which was called Ryou-un-kaku in Asakusa.

Modern Tokyo around 1930

Treasure at the temporary exhibition “Tama-The Treasures of Ancient Japan”-特別展「玉、古代を彩る至宝」。勾玉(まがたま)が美しい。(上野1号墳)

EDO-TOKYOMUSEUM (1/2)  江戸東京博物館 PartⅠ

Referencw movie(参考動画):
 Chic ladies in Edo, feminine beauty (by Shiseido, 1981, in Japanese)、いきの時代 江戸が育てた女性美 by 資生堂(1981):
6 min. Kabuki/歌舞伎、9 min. Yoshiwara/吉原、12 min. Fabric/江戸小紋、 15 min. Hairdressing/髪結い、23 min. Bathhouse/風呂、26 min. Kabuki live-action/歌舞伎の実写、29 min. Fire-show at Sumida River/隅田川の花火

21 funs (Fun) were found in part 2. Visited in October, 2018
Official website: (Japanese), accessed in November 2020

Previous post (Edo&Tokyo after Medieval 江戸博) :
Next post (People’s district in Edo ) :


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EDO-TOKYO MUSEUM (1/2) 、江戸東京博物館 PartⅠ

(This museum is closed until 2025 for renovations. Looking forward to the reopening.  大規模改修のため、2025年まで休館です。再開が楽しみですね。  Recent info. 最新情報: 江戸東京博物館 ( ) You can understand most about Edo (old name of Tokyo, before 1867) and Tokyo in this huge museum. I focus on the Edo period here. Various enjoyments are exhibited such as festivals, theaters, reading and red light district Yoshihara, meanwhile difficulties in life are also exhibited. 江戸、東京の全てが分かる巨大博物館である。ここでは、江戸時代を中心に記載した。人の楽しみの面からみると、読書、縁日、芝居、吉原などの人の楽しみ、また、苦しみも詰まっている。   Inside the entrance gate, there is a full-scale model of Nihonbashi Bridge. On the other side of the bridge, samurai’s life is exhibited. On the bridge, we can see a model of Kabuki theater in the Edo period on the left and Tokyo city in the Meiji period on the right.  エントランスを入ると実物大の日本橋がある。橋の正面は、徳川家をはじめ武家の暮らしを展示するエリア。橋の左側は江戸庶民の暮らしを展示するエリア。歌舞伎の芝居小屋がある。橋の右側は、明治以降、東京の展示となっている。 Model of Nihonbashi bridge 、日本橋の実物大模型 Left ...