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Showing posts from January, 2021

Kyoto Prefectural Tango Regional Museum (1)、丹後郷土資料館 (1)

    This big museum was built at the relic site of the old national temple in northern part of Kyoto prefecture.  “Amano-hashidate” and “Ine port”  are popular tourist destinations  near this museum . I wrote about the exhibits which are related to those spots in PART1, and I added their photos. Then I will introduce other attractive exhibits about fun of old days in the PART2.  丹後国国分寺跡に立つ京都府立の巨大な資料館ですが、展示室は意外と小さい。日本三景の 天橋立 と人気観光地の 伊根漁港などに関する資料を実写とともに PART1 でアップします。 PART2 で他の展示品をご紹介します。   Special exhibition “Drawing Amano-hashidate” 、特別陳列 / 天橋立を描く  A legend has that “Amano-hashidate” was a ladder which was used by Izanagino-mikoto (god in Japanese myth) in order to go to the sky. It was drawn as a sacred spot, afterward it was drawn as a beautiful site of a white beach with pine trees.  It says “the change would be related to the purpose of visitors which changed   from pilgrimage  to sightseeing”. “Amano-hashidate”...

Izushi Eirakukan Theater、出石 永楽館

 Izushi (Hyougo prefecture) is located at north of Osaka. It is a good old town which has “Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings” designated by Japanese government.  The oldest existing theater in Kansai region “Eirakukan” attracts me. It opened in 1901, and various plays were performed such as Kabuki and films. However, it was closed in 1964 because TVs or other entertainments took place of it.  It was renovated and reopened in 2008, and regains its bustle. Ainosuke Kataoka who is a popular Kabuki actor played here every year. We can imagine the voices of cheering people easily.    出石町は、兵庫県北部の豊岡市にあります。城下町で、重要伝統的建造物保存地区がある町です。  私のお目当ては、 近畿地方に現存する最古の芝居小屋 だという「永楽館」です。明治 34 年に開館し、歌舞伎や映画など様々な公演を行いましたが、「テレビの普及、娯楽の多様化など」で昭和 39 年に閉館。しかし、修復して、平成 20 年に杮落とし。人気俳優・片岡愛之助が公演するなど賑わいを取り戻しました。ここで、やんやの歓声が上がっていたと思えるのが嬉しいです。   New entrance 、今の永楽館の入口 Entrance hall 、エントランスホール View from the second floor;  maximum capacity is 350 . The...