The history from the ancient era to the 19 th century was exhibited. Kobe is the 6 th largest city in Japan, and the museum is also large. It was renovated for two years after my visiting, and it was opened again in 2019. I look forward to visiting again. The building was a bank and it was designated as a cultural asset. Beautiful crafts such as watches and lamps made me imagine the fun of the owners. I was surprised with the fact that the Emperor visited Arima hot spring resort in 631. People love onsen hot spring so much. 神戸の古代から開港後の明治までの歴史を中心に紹介されており、神戸市立だけに立派。私の訪問後、2年間改装し、 2019 年にオープンしている。再訪が楽しみだ。かつて銀行であった博物館自体も有形文化財。 時計やランプの工芸品にそれを所有した人々の楽しみを感じられた。 631 年に舒明天皇が有馬温泉に行幸と書いてありビックリ。そんなころから温泉か。 Bronze bells which are designated as national treasures are exhibited near the entrance. The left one is a copycat product, but the shining bell would chime beautiful sound. Those are used in the ancient era. いきなり、国宝の銅鐸がお出迎え。さすがです。右は複製だが、光り輝き、いかにも良い音が鳴りそうだ。 ...
How to enjoy daily life in Japan before the industrialization (more than 100 years ago). Most Japanese were farmers and poor, but they enjoyed their lives without smartphones and fossil fuels. Through old diaries, exhibits in museums and books, we could find their fun. 百年以上前、スマホや化石燃料を使わなくても人々は日々の暮らしを楽しんでいました。多くは農民で、豊かではなかったけど。昔の日記、資料館の展示品、書籍から、その生き方を学ぶ。「遊びをせんとや 生まれけむ 戯れせんとや 生まれけん」、ですよね。