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Osaka museum of History、大阪歴史博物館(なにわ歴博)


Outline 概要】

This museum is very big. There were four floors for exhibition rooms. On the 10th floor, the ancient palace was exhibited. On the 9th floor, the models of the city and the videos of the people’s life in the medieval era were exhibited. On the 8th floor, the full-scale model of the city and houses in the 20th century were exhibited. The 6th floor was for the special exhibition.
 Osaka was a commercial center of Japan in the medieval era. There were many theaters, festivals and things which entertained people. Osaka had a lot of rivers and canals. The entertainment concerning the boats and canals was exhibited. I felt the lively lives of the people in Osaka. The big city is a right place to enjoy life.
 4フロアを使い、 大阪の歴史を紹介した大きな博物館。展示物が豊富。古代フロア(10階)では、難波宮の実物大モデルに全体模型、出土品、中世近世フロア(9階)では、橋や山車など大型模型、映像を使って人々の暮らしぶりが分かるようになっている。近代現代フロア(8階)では、ちょっと懐かしい大阪の街や家の中が展示されている。6階は企画展用の展示室。この日は、堀田龍之助という博物家に関する展示であった。

 There is Osaka castle in front of the museum. We can see the whole castle from the museum.

Osaka castle from the museum、博物館からの大阪城

Ancient Osaka、古代大阪】

The theme of the 10th floor was “The Age of the Naniwa palace”. There was a palace in Osaka in the 7th and 8th century. A partial reconstruction of the Naniwa Palace with mannequins in court dress was exhibited. The exhibits like accessories and models of the palaces were displayed. It was written that the capital must be clean and pure, so the rituals were held in order to purify the place at the riversides and intersections.
10階の展示室に入ると難波宮・大極殿の実物大モデルと人形が迎えてくれる。そして、巨大な展示室。吊り下げられた大友家持の歌、「桜花 今盛りなり 難波の海. 押し照る宮に 聞こしめすなへ」は難波の繁栄を讃えている。都は清浄であることが求められ、水辺や四周、交差点では穢れを祓う儀式が行われていたという。

Three color ware pots

Medieval era、中世】

The theme of the 9th floor was “The Age of the Great Distribution Center and The Age of Osaka Honganji Temple”. Osaka during the medieval era was shown here.

The towns and roads in Osaka area、中世大阪の主な町

This is a model of Goeido (Icon Sanctuary) of the Osaka Hongan-ji temple in 1561. This temple had great social and religious influence. Osaka was developed under Honganji in the medieval era.
Osaka Hongan-ji temple

 The photo below shows the model of a typical street in Sakai in 1568. Christian missionaries walked on the street. Sakai was not ruled by war lords. Many merchants lived there, and they traded with foreign countries. I guessed it was a rich city, but houses were rusty.  

 Hirano was an autonomous city like Sakai. The photo below was Ema board which was offered to Kumata Shrine in Hirano by the merchant in 1627. He traded with Philippines and Thailand.

The tools of the rice planting rite of Kumata Shrine were shown below. It was a kind of comedy show which was held at late night on the 13th of January. It was the end of  New Year holiday. The actor played the farmer and used the hoe. He also fed the baby doll and made her to pee. The baby doll was the symbol of the god of the rice field. It was called “Ta-asobi”. “Ta” is a rice field and “asobi” is an entertainment. People must have enjoyed overnight feast.
Ceremonial hoe and mask, replica

The picture below is H. Toyotomi who was a war lord. He ruled not only Sakai and Hirano, but also he ruled entire Japan. He built Osaka castle and stationed there.

Edo period、江戸時代】

Osaka in the Edo period, 江戸時代の大阪

In the Edo period, Osaka was the Great Distribution Center of Japan. Rice and the specialties were collected as a form of taxation. Those were transported to Osaka and sold there, and then they were delivered across Japan. The picture below shows the scene of the rice market in Dojima at the end of the dealing time. The final rice price was sent to the other cities using flags. Future trading was already practiced in Dojima.

 Rice was stored in the warehouses of daimyo war lords. The weight of the straw ricebag was 60kg, so workers were so strong. They used rice-notes instead of rice itself when they dealt rice in the Dojima market.
Rice warehouse, Kura-yashiki、蔵屋敷
 Next picture shows the town of rice warehouses. The picture depicted a cotton boat race. The fast boat arrived at Edo in five days. Racing is a fun over the ages.

The maximum population of Osaka was about 400,000 in the Edo period (It is about three million now). It was the second largest city in Japan.
Osaka in the late Edo period、江戸後期の大阪近郊地図
Senba was the name of the downtown. There were many merchant houses. The imported goods shop was depicted. Everyone seemed to be so busy and happy.

Imported goods shop、からもん屋

The town-scope of Senba is shown below. This model restored Senba in the mid 19th century. There were many big houses with kawara ceramic roofs which were fire-proof.

 It was a congested town, but people would have felt broad sky and breeze when they were on the balconies. A gentleman relaxed in his small back-yard.

Next picture shows you the Hachikenya port which was the starting point of the boats to Fushimi, Kyoto. The boat was called “Sanjyu-koku bune” which meant the maximum carrying capacity of the boat was 4.5 tons. The passenger capacity was 28. The boat trip was fun for people; it is exhibited in Kagiya museum in Hirakata.

 The red-light district was depicted on this folding screen which was made in the 18th century. People enjoyed boat riding, parties and so on.

 Next picture shows that people gathered riverside to enjoy the evening breeze. There were a lot of canals and rivers at that time. They seemed to relax and enjoy talking each other. Most canals were filled in nowadays.

There were many show businesses in Osaka such as Kabuki and puppet show which were held at Doutonbori. Comedies and plays were performed in the ground of shrines and temples. Audience supported the stars and bought their printings. It has been forever fun. It was a point that people in Osaka had enough money to enjoy the shows.
The list of the Kabuki actors in 1835

The printing below shows that fans welcomed the Kabuki actor Shikan in 1815. Shikan was getting on the big boat. Shikan returned from Edo and he would go on the stage to fans.
Kabuki (YouTube)

Wood-block print book depicting Kabuki actors in the 19th century
The model of a big theater called Kado theater is shown below. Wealthy people arrived at the tea house by boat. They had tea and bought lunch boxes, then went to the theater. It was really joyful for boy servants to follow their masters to see the Kabuki play.

Inside the Kado theater in 1838、角の芝居(旧角座)
Kado theater in the old picture

The puppet show which is called Ningyo-jyoururi or Bunraku was popular too. It is elegant art nowadays, so some performers are designated as the intangible cultural assets.

Bunraku (YouTube)
 Pupils were interested in the operation of the puppet.

Religious practice: People worshiped shrines and temples. They went there on the En-nichi days and the festival days. Those were annual events. People enjoyed one day trip to the shrine or the temple. The travel(The history of travel of Japanese ordinary peopleto the shrine or the temple in the remote area was great fun for people. Visiting shrines and temples was a good entertainment at that time. The outdoor party was held in front of Sumiyoshi Shrine which is near my parents’ house.
Ikutama Shrine、生玉神社
Sumiyoshi Shrine in the early 19th century、江戸後期の住吉大社

Sumiyoshi Shrine、住吉大社
Drum bridge、太鼓橋
Lighthouse Takatourou、高灯篭
Folding screen with picture of Sumiyoshi Shrine


En-nichi festivals were held in front of shrines and temples. The photo below was a raree show. When you peep through the hole, you can see the picture, and the performer tells the exiting story. It was popular until WW2. 

The sign board of the restaurant was exhibited. It was famous for the miso-paste with tai fish meat. Interestingly enough, there were restaurant guide books at that time, and this restaurant was written in it. There were foodies over the ages.

The picture below shows clay miniature dogs, which were found under the Osaka castle. Dogs have a lot of babies, so it was written that miniature dogs would be talismans of safe delivery. They were so cute.

Watanabe village near Osaka was the center of leather industry. Leather of cows and horses were used the material of winter shoes and drums. The shoes in photo were used in daily life. I don’t know we Japanese wore leather shoes. The material of the old Japanese footwear were wood or straw. I’d like to know whether it was comfortable or durable.

Enthusiastic travel to Ise, “Okage-mairi” : Those happened in 1830 and 1867 here. The trigger of Okage-mairi was a strange topic such as talismans of the shrine falling down from the sky. People would have needed a good vent to escape from everyday life.
Talismans which came from the sky in 1867
In the picture below, the talismans which were said to have descended from the sky in 1867 were recorded. We can know the shape, time and place where talismans dropped down. No one believes it now of course.

Modern Osaka、近現代の大阪】

 In the 8th floor, Osaka before WW2 was exhibited. Crafts were beautiful.

Small knife made by Mr. Sakai in 1975

Satsuma Porcelain bowl and vase with design of plum arabesque and flowers,  made by Mr. Yabu in the late 20th century

Dancer’s fans

Small furniture of Konoike family which was the richest family in Osaka、鴻池家の生活用具
 Everyday life of the people were very vivid. I think it was a good time for Japan, all people worked hard in order to improve our lives and catch up western countries.
Wet market in the early 20th century
Tenjin-Kou for Tenjin festival、天神祭での天神
The picture below is a geological section under the Osaka castle. There was relic of the Osaka internal war in which Tokugawa attacked and destroyed the Toyotomi family.
 I am interested in the sand or something have accumulated on the surface of the 17th century. The thickness was more than 1 m, my question is how people maintained houses. The sand accumulated about 3 cm every year. It is mysterious to me.
Geological section under the Osaka castle、大阪城下の地層

The poster of the special exhibition、特別展のポスター
This museum taught me the history of Osaka using many models, videos and exhibits. I felt the energy of people in Osaka here.

27 funs(楽Fun) were found. Visited in June, 2018, accessed in August, 2020

Previous post (Museum in old capital Kyoto which is just 50km away from Osaka) :
Next post (Museum in Osaka about ordinary people’s life) :Osaka museum of Housing and Living 大阪くらしの今昔館


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