Lake Suwa in central Japan (Nagano pref.) gathers water in the mountainous region. It pours into the Pacific via Tenryu River (213km, 9 th longest river in Japan). The lake has rich fishery resources which are precious protein source for locals. The museum shows us not only how to catch fishes, but also entertainment (skating) and prayer to the lake . 諏訪湖の北岸にある下諏訪町立の博物館で、歌人・島木赤彦の記念館も併設されています。 周辺の川からの水が流れ込む諏訪湖は、魚=山間部の貴重な蛋白源の宝庫です。 さまざまな方法で魚を獲り、スケートを楽しみ、御神渡りする神に祈った諏訪の人々 の様子がよくわかります。諏訪湖の水は天竜川を経て太平洋に注ぎます。 The first panel says Suwa people are familiar with the lake even though sometime struggle with it. 最初のパネルには、諏訪の人々は諏訪湖に親しみ、時に闘いながら生きてきたと書かれています。 Wooden boats and fishing equipment are displayed. A model and an old photo show us how to use it. It’s understandable. 漁業用のまるた舟と漁具が展示され、漁法が模型と古写真で展示されていて、よくわかります。 The model above shows a region-specific fishing technique (Yatsuka method). It was really elaborate. Stones were sunken and a mound (Yasuka) was built at first. After ice covered th...
How to enjoy daily life in Japan before the industrialization (more than 100 years ago). Most Japanese were farmers and poor, but they enjoyed their lives without smartphones and fossil fuels. Through old diaries, exhibits in museums and books, we could find their fun. 百年以上前、スマホや化石燃料を使わなくても人々は日々の暮らしを楽しんでいました。多くは農民で、豊かではなかったけど。昔の日記、資料館の展示品、書籍から、その生き方を学ぶ。「遊びをせんとや 生まれけむ 戯れせんとや 生まれけん」、ですよね。