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Showing posts from September, 2023

Toba Sea-Folk Museum (2/3)、鳥羽市立海の博物館 (part2)

The title of the panel is “ The Japanese are ‘people of the sea ’.” It says, “ Japanese people have freely moved on the sea and have earned a living. We were maritime people .” It also shows a famous history scholar (Amino Yoshihiko), “The sea is a flexible barrier which separates Japanese Archipelago from the ocean. It also brings us rich seafood. Moreover, it is a traffic route to the world.” It's very crucial for Japanese. Btw, topless women are depicted on the picture above. It’s not matter for women in old days whether they were topless or not, I think. Part1 : Ama divers’ work and life 、海女さんの漁と暮らし Part2 : Fishers’ life, prayer and festivals (this article) 、漁民の暮らしと祈り・祭り(本記事) Part3 : The regional fishery 、伊勢志摩の漁 メインの展示棟の「 海民(かいみん)って何者? 」の展示です。「 日本人は大昔から、海の暮らしに糧を求め、海を自由に動き回る、海に生きる海民だった のである」と書かれています。また、「海は列島を周囲から隔てる柔らかい障壁であるとともに、豊富な海産物を人々にもたらし、また列島を広く世界に結びつける交通路でもあった」という網野善彦の言葉も書かれています。 それにしても、絵に描かれた胸をはだけた女たち。昔の女性は、上半身は気にしないという印象が強いです。 There is a full-scale model of ...

Toba Sea-Folk Museum (1/3)、鳥羽市立海の博物館 (part1)

Toba is in Mie prefecture of central Japan. It has Ise Shrine which is dedicated to Amaterasu (a deity who is considered as the ancestor of the royal family). The region is rich in marine resources. The huge museum shows us the regional fishing culture and industry well. I divided into three parts below. Part1 : Ama divers ’ work and life (this article) Part2 : Fishers’ life, prayer and festivals Part3 : The regional fishery 伊勢・志摩の漁とその生活がよく分かる巨大博物館 です。次の三つのパートに分けて、紹介します。 Part1 :海女さんの漁と暮らし(本記事) Part2 :漁民の暮らしと祈り・祭り Part3 :伊勢の漁 There are eight building including three exhibition halls. 敷地には3棟の展示施設(体育館のような形です)を含めて、8棟の建物があります。 At the entrance of the main exhibition hall (Hall A), a doll of an  ama  diver welcomes us. She (Matsumura Mume) was an actual diver; her model is the one when she was seventy-five years old. The banner on the left shows how deep they can dive.  The depth of a dive is from ten to twenty meters when they had a weight. On the oth...

Akasaka post-town and Toyokawa Inari Shrine、赤坂宿・御油の松並木・豊川稲荷

In Akasaka post-town in Toyokawa city of Aichi prefecture, the traces of the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868) slightly remain. After visiting Akasaka, I drove through Goyu pine tree-lined road and visited Toyokawa Inari temple which is famous as a deity of business. Reference: Kaido(Highway) and Shukuba (Post-town) 愛知県豊川市にある赤坂宿には、三河の国の天領を支配した代官所がありました。宿場町だった頃の名残が少しあります。その後、松並木を通って御油宿へ。旧道の雰囲気を感じますよ。その先には、商売繁盛などで信仰を集める豊川稲荷さんがあります。   Akasaka post-town 、赤坂宿 The wooden building was an  inn “Oohasi-ya” and the road in front was Toukaidou highway  which linked Edo (old name and Tokyo) and Kyoto. The building is open to the public, but it was a regular holiday (Monday). 旧東海道の傍に立つ旅籠だった大橋屋 さん。公開されていますが、スケジュールを合わせられず、休館日の月曜の訪問になってしまいました。 The façade of Oohashi-ya 、大橋屋さん(正面) The picture above brought me to Akasaka post-town, even on the regular holiday of the inn. The ukiyo-e printing was created in the 19 th  century; the title is “Fifty-three post towns of Toukaidou:...