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Showing posts from January, 2023

Three Mountains of Dewa and Ideha Cultural Museum、出羽三山&いでは文化記念館

It is written, “ The Three Mountains of Dewa have been worshipped since days of old. The journey through Mt. Haguro, Mt. Gassan, and Mt. Yudono has come to be known as a passage through death to life .” People pray for their happiness at present in Mt. Haguro, did for their ancestral spirits in Mt. Gassan and did for their future in Mt. Yudono. It has been a popular pilgrimage since the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868) and been called “A Journey to Rebirth” . I’d like to introduce the mountains and the museum at the foot. This is a long post, but you'll feel familiar with “Three Mountains of Dewa” after reading. Reference site (参照): Japan Heritage Site, Three Mountains of Dewa 日本遺産 出羽三山 , accessed in January, 2023 出羽三山の旅は、現世の幸せを祈る羽黒山、祖霊が鎮まる月山(過去を祈る)、お湯が湧き出す御神体が生命の誕生を現す湯殿山(未来を祈る)を巡る旅 です。江戸時代から「 生まれ変わりの旅」 と言われ、人気の巡礼コースでした。羽黒山の参詣口にある資料館とともに紹介します。長い記事ですが、読んでいただけると出羽三山が身近になると思います。   There is a big  torii ...

Chido Museum (2/2)、致道博物館 part2

Link to Part 1 of this article (Exhibits of old fishing tools, sake containers, clothes and so on) 、 パート 1 ( ← リンク)は、昔の漁具や酒樽、衣服などです。 Photos were taken under the permission of the museum office, and this article was uploaded under its approval. 博物館の許可を得て撮影、及び掲載しました。   Former Shibuya Family Residence 、多層民家(旧渋谷家住宅) The building above was built in 1822 at Tamugimata village which is a heavy snowfall area. It was moved here in 1965.  The house was used as a lodge for pilgrims  to Dewa Mountains . In the Meiji period (1868-1912),  the family started silk production  due to reduction of pilgrims which was influenced by the change of the religious policy; they renovated the 2 nd , the 3 rd  and the attic for sericulture. 1822 年に豪雪地帯の田麦俣に作られた兜造りの家で、 1965 年に移築されました。 江戸時代は出羽三山参詣の道者宿 であり、湯殿山登拝の先達や強力を務める家でした。明治初期の廃仏毀釈などで参拝者が減り、 養蚕業に転じて 、2階、3階、屋根裏を養蚕スペースに改造しました。 Inside the entrance door, there are a kitchen, a inner horse stable and so on. Many utensils are ...

Chido Museum (1/2)、致道博物館 part1

The museum is at Tsuruoka City which is in northern Japan and near the Japan Sea. Tsuruoka used to be a castle city in which Sakai clan ( feudal lord/daimyo ) has resided. The museum was established based on the donations of the land, buildings and cultural assets from Sakai clan. It shows us not only samurai’s culture but also people’s one; there are abundant exhibits about everyday lives , which this blog focuses on. Especially, the "bandori", which is a cushion that is placed in between the back and a heavy load. This is colorful and impressive necessity when carrying heavy objects especially in distance. Many types of wooden containers for sake (alcohol) are also attractive. Those tell us how people enjoyed their lives. Photos were taken under the permission of the museum office, and this article was uploaded under its approval.   山形県鶴岡市は、庄内藩の鶴ヶ岡城があった武家の町 です。致道博物館は、旧藩主・酒井家が土地、建物、文化財を寄付して設立されました。 武家の文化だけではなく、本ブログに関連する民俗資料が大量に展示されています 。特に「バンドリ」という背中に背負う荷物から背中を保護する...