Everybody knows about the 2011 Tsunami circumstance in Japan. This happened also in Fukushima prefecture, and caused the nuclear plant problem. Fukushima has a huge prefectural museum which has a plenty of exhibits. Folklore exhibition room which is main interest of this blog is just as large as a class room, but it shows people’s lives in this prefecture well. I extract “Fun of Old Japanese” from the folklore room in part 1 . In part 2, I do it from the huge history exhibition room. Btw, the museum is located in Aizu-wakamatsu city which is inland of the prefecture. 巨大な博物館で展示物も豊富です。本ブログのテーマの民俗関係は教室一つより大きいぐらいですが、人の暮らしが良く分かりました。 パートⅠでは民俗関係の展示 から、パート 2 では膨大な歴史関係の展示から、人びとの楽しみを拾っていきます。会津若松にあります。 It was a light snow day when I visited in November. It's at the beginning of the snow season. 訪問したのは雪まじりの日でした There is a full-scale model of a float which is used in the Nihonmatsu lantern festival . People hit drums on its top. エントランスホールには、 二本松提灯祭の太鼓台 の実物大モデ...
How to enjoy daily life in Japan before the industrialization (more than 100 years ago). Most Japanese were farmers and poor, but they enjoyed their lives without smartphones and fossil fuels. Through old diaries, exhibits in museums and books, we could find their fun. 百年以上前、スマホや化石燃料を使わなくても人々は日々の暮らしを楽しんでいました。多くは農民で、豊かではなかったけど。昔の日記、資料館の展示品、書籍から、その生き方を学ぶ。「遊びをせんとや 生まれけむ 戯れせんとや 生まれけん」、ですよね。