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Showing posts from May, 2021

Hirosaki City Museum、弘前市立博物館

 This museum is in the site of Hirosaki castle which is famous for sakura cherry blossoms.  Many exhibits about Hirosaki Han are displayed, but those about the ancient period attracted me; especially the boar.  Unfortunately, I could not see the fun of old Japanese because the folklore area was changed to the special exhibition area.  桜の名所、弘前城の一角あります。弘前藩に繋がる武家の展示が沢山ありました。でも、古代の展示、特に入口のイノシシは絶品です。特別展のため、民俗展示がなかったので、庶民の楽しみが分からなかったのが残念。 Permanent exhibition 、常設展 The length of the charming clay boar, which was made more than three thousand years ago, is 18 cm. It says, “This would have been used the rite regarding the hunting.” 体長 18 cmの「猪形土製品」(縄文時代後期)。「狩猟の際の儀式に使われたのでしょうか」と書かれていました。「いのっち」として博物館のマスコットになっています。 The small clay bottle above was found in the same site as the boar. I think this is not only the bottle to keep liquid, but also to enjoy tasting it. 猪と同じ遺跡(十腰内(とこしない)遺跡)からは、こんな土器も発掘されていますね。味を楽しんだ感じがします。 This is about the castles in the medieval period an...

Nebuta Museum WA-RASSE、ねぶたの家 ワ・ラッセ

  Every Japanese knows this festival “Nebuta” which is held from the 2 nd to the 7 th of August . We can always see full-scale floats here.  It is said there are two origins. One is “Tanabata” (star festival), and the other is “Nemuri-nagashi” in which people drive drowsiness away while farming.   Around twenty floats parade in Aomori city together with dancers . More than two million people gather. It is one of the most popular festivals in Japan. It is a really fun time!  We can feel well the strong passion of locals who make floats and parade. Movie of Nebuta:  誰もが知っている青森市のねぶたを展示しています。ねぶたの開催期間は、 8/2-7 ですが、ここではいつでも実物のねぶたを見られます。   ねぶたは、七夕と農作業の敵となる睡魔を追い払う「眠り流し」が習合したもの といわれています。二十数台の大型ねぶた練り歩き、踊り手の跳人(はねと)が乱舞し、 200 万人を超す人出で賑わう人気のお祭りです。楽しみのかたまりですね。  ワラッセでは、ねぶたを作り、練り歩く人達の熱さが伝わってきます。 It’s a modern building. 実にモダンな建物です Photo spot at the entrance、入口の撮影スポット The music of Nebuta was played in front...

What is the fun of Japanese more than one hundred years ago? 昔の人々の楽しみとは? (1st ed./r.1)

 There were no TVs and no smartphones back then . How did they enjoy their daily life?  I'm eager to know it, so I'm seeking for it by old diaries, museums and books. (日本語文は後半に纏めて記載しました)    Recently, I found working is necessity in order to enjoy the everyday life . In my opinion, ordinary people couldn’t enjoy their lives from the bottom of their hearts if they don’t work. To work and to contribute the society would be essential to enjoy lives. Moreover, we could enjoy working itself while working in the nature 1).  People weren’t exhausted with working before the industrialization (working at a factory). Women made fabrics in winter said, “It is fun to work with friends and chat.” 2). The work was not so stressful compared with the modern society. 1 ) The pleasure and the fun we find at work 2 ) Kyoto Prefectural Tango Regional Museum (2)      I have already known five elements of the fun of old Japanese except for work. (1) Ga...