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Showing posts from February, 2021

National Museum of Japanese History(1/3)、国立歴史民俗博物館 (1/3)

Featured exhibition “ sototabe (eating-out)” 日本の食の風景「そとたべ」の伝統  There are many exhibits in this museum. If you watch them carefully, it would take several days. Anyway, I’m always seeking for “fun of old Japanese”.  とにかく、巨大な博物館です。展示品が多いです。 じっくり見ると=展示説明を読んで、イメージを膨らませると数日はかかると思います。 それはさておき、私の目的は、昔の人は何をして楽しんでいたかを探すことです。    I went there to visit the featured exhibition which was held in a small exhibition room as large as a classroom. “Fun of Japanese” were packed.  Unfortunately, photography was prohibited . I introduce some photos from a delivered booklet.  今回は、第四展示室(風俗)のこの特集展示を目当でした。教室一つぐらいのスペースですが、楽しみの密度が濃いです。  でも、 撮影は禁止 。立派な冊子を頂きましたので、そこからもご紹介します。 A brochure, and a booklet which contains 20 pages in color.  パンフレットと 20 ページの小冊子(オールカラー)。  There are two kinds of  “ eating-out”, namely the food stands ( yatai ) and the lunch boxes ( bentou ). Those are broken down into six categories.  Anyway, eating-out is fun! 「そ...

Tanba everyday clothes museum、福知山市丹波生活衣館

 The museum is at the foot of Fukuchiyama castle. Tango region is famous for silk and cotton fabrics. Everyday clothes are shown here.  It says, “ The clothes are reused by unsewing, redyeing and resewing. Mother’s clothes are changed to her daughter’s ones , kimono is changed to haori coat, ceremonial child clothes are transformed to nagajuban which are worn beneath kimono.  Fabric offcuts are used to make a pouch or a futon mat; all fabrics are utilized thoroughly. People have the know-hows and techniques to do it, moreover they have a sense of fun to create new one. ” It is a life with loving and taking care of things.  Actually, my parents gave me fabrics for kimono which they used. However, we don’t know how to remake kimono; the technique is being lost, although my mother says that remaking is interesting.  福知山城の直ぐ下にある資料館で、絹と木綿の織物が盛んな丹波の生活衣を紹介しています。 「布は、ほどかれ、染めかえ、縫い直されることにより再生します。 母親の着物を娘のものに 、着物を羽織に、子供の祝着を長襦袢にと。端裂も繋いで袋物を作ったり、布団表にしたり、 無駄なく使いつくされてい...

Maizuru furusato (hometown) museum、舞鶴ふるさと発見館

   Maizuru in northern Kyoto prefecture was a port of a marine transportation in the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868) , now it is a port of the Self - Defense Forces. It was also the base of the warlord.  北前船の寄港地であり、戦国武将・細川幽斎の拠点です。   The museum is at the first floor of this building which banners mean recruiting members of the Self-Defense Forces and Japan Coast Guard. 資料館がある舞鶴西総合会館。軍港の街だけに、自衛官募集の垂れ幕が掲げられています。 Coexisting with Sea : Ojima festival which people pray for a good catch and safety is introduced here. Reference movie: 海と共に生きる 民の紹介。豊漁と安全を祈る雄島参りなどが紹介されています。 The model of “ Kitamae-bune ”, which was used for a marine transportation in the Sea of Japan, was offered to the shrine to pray for the safety voyage. It was not a transportation but trading business (items were bought at a port, then sold at the other port). 江戸時代に日本海の海上輸送で活躍した 北前船 の模型。この船は、航海の安全を祈って湊十二神社に奉納された弁才船です。北前船は、港で商品を購入し、他の港で売るハイリスクビジネスでした。 The s...

Japanese Oni Exchange Museum、日本の鬼の交流博物館

    What is “Oni” ?  If you look up “Oni” in a Japanese-English dictionary, it is translated as “demon” or “ogre”. However, it is not correct.   Some are bad (demons/ogres) like Oni in “Demon Slayer” (Kimetsu-no-Yaiba, Movie).  However, others help people and they are enshrined .   This museum is at the foot of Mt.Ohe which has a legend that bad Oni lived and samurai warriors killed them. It is located in the northern part of Kyoto prefecture.     It exhibits Oni masks, Oni roof tiles etc. and it introduces events and legends in which Oni appeared.  Actually,  Oni have various aspects .  鬼退治伝説がある京都府北部の大江山の麓 にある博物館です。 鬼瓦や鬼の面が展示され、鬼がでてくる行事や伝説が紹介 されています。  「国内外の鬼文化に関する資料を展示し『鬼とはいったい何者か』に迫ります」、とリーフレットに書かれていますが、展示室にパネルには「その答えを出すのはあなた自身である」と書いてました。  その通りです。 人間社会において、鬼はいろいろな役割を持っています が、多分、人間の味方と捉えている人達が多いと思います。「鬼滅の刃」とはちょっと違う見方ですね。   Museum on the right. On the left is the face of a large Oni mad...