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Showing posts from November, 2019

Yoshino’s daily life 23, October in 1851(嘉永4年10月)

 It was the busiest season for Yoshino’s family to harvest rice . They harvested for 10 days until the 19 th . Moreover, some of them help neighbors’ harvesting on the 18 th and 19 th . They were busy but they helped one another . After the 20 th , they dried and threshed rice. They were busy but happy, however the record of this diary was very mundane. Harvesting @ TohokuHistory Museum and Ichikawahistory museum 稲刈り@ 東北歴史博物館 & 市川歴史博物館   稲刈りがピークとなる 。 19 日までは 10 日が稲刈り。 18 、 19 日は隣に手伝いを出している。忙しいし、 互助精神が生きている 。 20 日以降は、稲揚げ、稲こきの言葉が増える。収穫の時だ。収穫は、忙しいし嬉しいだろうが、日記の記載は平凡だ。 On the 1 st , they cultivated the field. It continued until the 8 th . On the 3 rd , his father went to Naka-dera temple. The craftsman stayed there and repainted the Buddhist statues. On the 4 th , he went to Edo and visited the samurai Mr. Ema who was an adoptive father of Okatsu . The latter got married in April. The master probably brought gifts and had a party. He came back around 2pm of the next...

Yoshino’s daily life 22, September in 1851(嘉永4年9月)

 First half of this month, they cultivate the field. On the 23 rd , Otoki gave birth to a son, while Okono had gave birth to a daughter in August. On the other hand, his father went out frequently; the 24-day period from the 16 th of this month to the 8 th of next, he went out for 16 days. He visited his relatives and friends. By the way, he was banned from Edo (Tokyo) two years ago where much entertainment were, because he spent a lot of money. He loved wondering about. T he field near Yoshino’s house 、流山市芝崎の畑 月の前半は畑うなひ、 23 日におときが男子を生む。 8 月のおこのに続き、二人目の誕生だ。ところで、父は出歩く。 二年前に 江戸に行けなくなったせいか、畑うないが終わった 9 月 16 日から 10 月 8 日まで 24 日中、 16 日お出かけ。親戚や友達の訪問だ。 Meeting of the road improvement of Choufuku-ji temple、長福寺の道普請の会合  While key people of the village had held a lot of meetings already, they visited other villages from the 1 st to the 3 rd . In the evening on the 4 th , the villagers held a general meeting and decided the donation to Choufuku-ji temple.  On the 14...

Yoshino’s daily life 21, August in 1851(嘉永4年8月)

The big event of this month was that Okono gave birth to a daughter. Meanwhile, Yoshino needed to spend a lot of time on the preparation on the road improvement. In the Edo period, there were very few government services, so people did it by themselves and spent much time on them.  ビッグイベントは、おこのが女子を出産したこと。この月は、道普請の相談に費やす時間が多い。村の行政は村方に委ねられていたので、大仕事だったのだろう。打ち合わせが沢山行われている。まず、道普請について書いて、その後、日々の様子を記載する。 Road improvement 、道普請  They continued the meetings to lay the pavement stone on the road in front of Choufuku-ji temple probably. Mr. Yoshino or his father joined the meeting on the 3 rd , 4 th , 8 th , 10 th , 24 th , 25 th , 28 th and 29 th . Those were continued next month. They talk about renovation of the walls of Choufuku-ji temple on the 15 th , 16 th and 17 th . I think they spent much more time than today. Perhaps the time went very slowly. By the way, the new chief monk arrived at the temple last April. I guess he wanted to have the temple and its area renovated. ...

Yoshino’s daily life 20, July in 1851(嘉永4年7月)

They processed wheat which were cropped last month. They also held an important annual event “ Bon ” to welcome their ancestral spirits. Ordinary days continued.  この月は、麦片臼という語が 6 回、麦真臼という語が 8 回出てくる。麦を粉にしているのだろう。そして、お盆だ。平々凡々な日々が続く。 On the 1 st , they continued weeding. On the 2 nd , they still continued weeding. They also cleaned wheat. On the 3 rd , it was the last day of hard-work weeding, so they took rest in the afternoon. On the 4 th , Shigesaburou, who departed to Mt. Fuji on the 23 rd of June, brought his souvenirs to Mr. Yoshino. It was also written “Fuji-tour leave in the afternoon”, so people celebrated his safety trip and heard his story. On the other hand, they started to mill the wheat. They did it from the 7 th to 11 th , and after the Bon they resumed it until the 24 th . The outfits to go to the holly mountain early 20 th century 、木曽御嶽山詣、 Nerima Shakujiikoen Furusato Museum 石神井公園ふるさと文化館   1 日からは田草取りが三日続くが、それにて田草取りは終了。 2 日は、麦搗きが行われている。 3 日は、最後の田草取...

Yoshino’s daily life 19, June in 1851(嘉永4年6月)

They continued ordinary farming which was mainly weeding  in this month . It was hard work in the hot season, so the family members felt sick and took days off. Meanwhile udon noodle parties and journey to Mt. Fuji added spice to their life.  坦々とした農作が続くが、厳しい作業と言われている田草取りが多い。夏至を過ぎた暑い時期で、主不快、おうら不快臥、など体調不良の記録が多い。そんな中、饂飩パーティーや富士参詣が生活に彩りを添えている。 On the 1 st , his mother went to Sengen shrine in Nagareyama with Aisuke. This day is the opening of Mt. Fuji to worshipers, so many people started to go there; it was a very popular religious event. People who couldn’t go there climbed a miniature Mt. Fuji called "Fuji-tsuka" near their house. It is at the Sengen shrine in Nagareyama, so his mother and Aisuke climbed it probably. Mt. Fuji in summer Fuji-tsuka at Sengen shrine in Nagareyama 流山浅間宮の富士塚 Reference: Life in Edo, old Tokyo (published in 1959) 江戸生活事典 、 Chapter 7/ Daily lives, (1) Seasonal recreation, Climbing Mt. Fuji.、 7 章 風俗概要 (1) 遊楽、富士登山   1 日、 2 日、木綿一...