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Showing posts from March, 2019

Japanese Sake (Alcohol) Museum in Matsunoo Taisha Shrine、松尾大社お酒の資料館

  This museum is in the ground of Matsunoo Taisha Shrine which is located in the west part of Kyoto, Rakusei. The sign board in front of the shrine states “General guardian deity of Rakusei area and deity of brewing.” The stone pole also states “The first place of brewing deities”. We can know the reason why this shrine is called like this in the museum.   This museum shows us a Shinto ritual concerning sake, the role of sake in our daily life, tableware for sake and manufacturing process of sake, so sake lovers enjoy this place. “Sake = Fun” is an established formula, but some people drink out of desperation sometimes as you know. 京都の西、いわゆる洛西にある松尾(まつのお)大社鳥居前の看板には「洛西総氏神、醸造祖神、交通安全守護神」と書かれた看板があり、「日本第一酒造の神」と書かれた石柱が奉納されている。その境内にお酒の資料館がある。お酒にまつわる神事から、折々の暮らしの中での酒の役割、酒器、酒の造り方が展示されていて、酒好きにとっては楽しい資料館だ。酒を飲む=楽しむ、という図式は崩れないと思う。ヤケ酒もあるけどね。 Katsura River and a red tori gate of Matsunoo Shrine 桂川越しに松尾大社の社殿と洛西の山を望む Tori gate of Matsunoo Taisha Shrine Roumon gate 、楼門 Sta...

Otsu City Museum of History & Otsu festival float exhibition pavilion、大津市歴史博物館 & 大津曳山展示館

Otsu City Museum of History 大津市歴史博物館   Otsu was the nearest post town of Kyoto and it is beside Lake Biwa which is the largest lake in Japan. This museum is on the hill which has a good view of the lake. There are five town models in the various eras, however photography is prohibited sadly, so I cannot show them to you. There are many exhibits about local history but a few exhibits about fun of ordinary people. The photos of exhibits are from fliers of this museum.   (FYI) There are many materials on the museum data base web site. 琵琶湖を望む高台、三井寺の隣に立つ立派な博物館であり、町のジオラマが五つもあったが、 撮影禁止 なので残念。写真を見ると新たなイメージ湧くのですが、展示品の保護が優先ということと思うので、致し方ありません。庶民の楽しみの展示は多くなかった。 写真はパンフレットを撮影したもの。 (参考)大津の歴史データベースが充実していて、展示物の多くを見ることができる。 Zeze castle and Ostu city (Model) 、膳所城と城下  The specialties of Otsu syuku of Toukaidou highway were Otsu paintings, abacuses a...