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Showing posts from September, 2018

Yoshino’s daily life 11, July to September in 1850(嘉永3年夏)

July: Bon, Segaki, Sumo   Bon rite was held in the middle of this month. On the 13 th , fire was lit in order to welcome the spirits of ancestors. On the 15 th , they went to the tomb in the dawn. It was same as usual. On the 16 th , “Segaki” started. It  is a rite to offer food and drink to the spirits who cannot eat and drink because they are in the "Gaki-dou" that is a kind of a hell. The food and drink are also offered to the spirits who don’t have relatives and give them memorial services. Yoshino's mother visited two different temples on the 17 th and the 22 nd to participate in the “Segaki” events. On the 24 th , villagers gathered at the community center and hold “Segaki-mane”. “Mane” means mimicry, and I think they enjoyed the party. On the 24 th , he went to watch sumo wrestling game. Sumo has been a very popular event for a long time. I am not sure if professional wrestlers fought or strong villagers fought. Sumo event in Kashiwa 、相撲大会@ 柏市郷土資料展示...

Yoshino’s daily life 10, April to June in 1850(嘉永3年春)

April: Rice planting   On the 6 th , they started rice planting. 6 people were engaged in this hard work. It continued until the 3 rd of May. There are many songs and dances for the rice planting. Songs and dances maybe mitigated hardships  ( Rice Farming Process and Annual Events ). They harvested wheat at the same time. Rice planting @ Ichikawa history museum 、田植@ 市川歴史博物館 Festival of the rice field in Shima @ National Museum of Ethnology 三重県志摩市の伊雑宮(いざわのみや)御田植祭り@ 国立民族学博物館   On the 9 th , Okono went to Mama Tekona Shrine with the villagers. Tekona- kou was held so often. It was the Kou for women which attributed to legendary beautiful and tragic lady Tekona. ( Kou in Nagareyama  2.Tekona-Kou; Kou for women and children) ・ 4 月(田植) 20 日からは、 6 人での田植が始まる。 5 月 1 日の入梅の日を挟んで、 3 日頃まで続く。同時に、麦刈りも始まる。手作業での田植は重労働だ。各地に、田植の時に歌う田植唄や踊りが残っている。少しでも、楽しみたいものだ。( 稲作と年中行事 ) 9 日、真間手児奈明神へおこのが参詣、村人と同道している。 8km 離れた市川の手児奈霊神堂だろう。手児奈 講 も良く催されている。伝説の美人・手児奈にちなんだ、女性と子供が中心の講だという(...

Yoshino’s daily life 09, January to March in 1850(嘉永3年冬)

Western countries were colonizing Asian countries at that time. The furnace was built to make steel for guns in Kyusyu this year. Japan prepared for the war against western countries, but Yoshino’s daily life was still peaceful. Reverberating furnace in Nirayama 、韮山反射炉   佐賀藩にも反射炉が作られるなど、武装化が進んでいる。ペリーが来航し開国を求めるまでにあと 3 年である。吉野家では平穏な暮らしが続く。 January (1) : New Year's greetings  On the New Year’s Day, Mr. Yoshino exchanged greetings with villagers. He exchanged greetings almost every day until the 15 th of January. Visitors came from Nagareyama, neighboring villages and temples. On the 9 th , Shibaya’s wife, Shibai’s wife and other wives in the village visited to Yoshino’s house. Was there any event for wives in his house?  New Year's greeting continued until early February. He shared the task of greeting with his father. I wonder  how they treated visitors a...

Ryugasaki city museum of history and folklore、龍ヶ崎市歴史民俗資料館

This museum is located on the Mito Kaido highway which was one of the five great highways in the Edo period . Annual events were introduced by videos, I knew the strong bond of local residents and their energy. In the thematic exhibition, the travel records of the village head were shown. He enjoyed his travel so much in spite of his difficult mission. Good museum. 水戸街道に位置し、利根川流系の水運にもかかわる茨城県龍ヶ崎市。民俗資料のビデオ展示が豊富で「オピシャ」行事と「撞舞」(つくまい)では地域のつながりと住民のパワーを感じ印象的だった。民俗系のビデオは見るべし、史料より良く理解できる。 企画展では、殿様の借金返済の交渉のために名主が旅をした日記を紹介していた。とても面白い。 Main building 本館(一階が展示室)。入場無料とは思えない、立派な建物と展示内容であった。 The old shop, barn and steam train were exhibited outside.   屋外展示の店屋。奥は農機具を置く納屋(まて屋)。龍ヶ崎を走っていた蒸気機関車も展示されている。 Ryugasaki town in 1681 、龍ヶ崎の町割り There was a local government office called Jinya which was owned by Date clan in Sendai. Most houses were owned by farmers, so they had to walk to their fields with farming tools. I am not sure it was convenient for farmers or government. It was wr...