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Showing posts from July, 2024

Daio Wasabi Farm & Centennial Memorial Hall、大王わさび農場と百年記念館

The wasabi farm is in Azumino city of Nagano prefecture (central Japan) ; it’s also the best tourist attraction of the city. The pure underground water from the Japanese Apls gush at the farm and show us beautiful streams . The farm was developed in 1907, so we cannot find “Fun of Good Old Japanese” which is the theme of this blog. However, the feel-good scenery has relaxed us. 長野県安曇野市きっての観光地 でもある大王わさび農場は、清らかな アルプルの伏流水がわさび畑に流れる心地よい風景 を見せてくれます。大正時代に開発された農場であり、本ブログのテーマの昔の人の楽しみというわけではないですが、昔も今もこれからも、人々の心も癒やしてくれる場所です。   Do you know  wasabi ?  It is green spice for sushi and so on; it is between sliced raw fish and rice ball. It is a kind of herbs originated to Japan. The photo above is the  wasabi  farm . Wasabi plants are covered while sunlight is strong.  The black sheets prevent water from increasing temperature . Many carp-shaped banners were hung when I visited in May; it is a custom of the Boys' Festival. ここがわさび田です。日射が強い時期は 水温の上昇を抑えるため黒いおおい (寒冷...

Azusagawa Academia Hall、梓川アカデミア館

The museum is at Matsumoto basin in Nagano prefecture of central Japan, which shows us its folklore and history. There is as exhibition room in the second floor; there is a soba noodle restaurant in the first floor. 松本市西部の梓川地区 の民俗や歴史を紹介する資料館です。上高地から流れてきた清流・梓川の左岸です。展示室は2階、1階には美術ギャラリーや甘味も食べられる蕎麦屋さんがあります。   Folklore exhibition room 、民俗の展示室 Agricultural equipment are exhibited. A article of a historian (Naramoto Tatsuya, 1913-2001) is quoted on the panel behind the machine which made a straw rope. He wrote, “ The farmers’ lifestyle when he was a child was almost same as the one in the  Edo period  (1603 ~ 1868) ”. It was before the spread of electric motors. 農機具の展示:縄をなう機械の後ろに歴史学者・奈良本辰也さん( 1913 ー 2001 )の説明パネルがあります。 彼が幼かった頃の農民たちの暮らしは、「江戸時代以来、ほとんど変わらなかった ような印象を受けた」そうです。電動機が普及する前でした。 Equipment for sericulture  are displayed. Most of museums in Nagano prefecture display them. 信州の資料館では 養蚕業 の展示は欠かせません。 Everyday goods  are also displayed tidily. さまざまな 日用品 が展示されています。 The ...

Matsumoto city Azumi museum、松本市安曇資料館

Azumi area in Matsumoto city of central Japan is in a mountainous area which altitude is around 900 meters. It is also snowy. Despite these difficulties, people have continued to reside there . We can learn it in this museum. After the WW2, development of hydraulic power plants, roads and tourist spots made local life better. I can say machines made people happy. Although some would say it was just a destruction of nature, I think it was the way to coexist with nature. この地域は、 山地で雪が多く暮らしは容易でないと思いますが、人びとがなんとか暮らしていた様子が分かります 。戦後は、ダム開発、道路開発、上高地の観光開発で、暮らしは良くなりました。機械のおかげです。自然破壊との批判もあるかもしれませんが、破壊にはいたらず、共存の範囲だと思います。 I visited in the early November; it’s a cold day. The museum is closed from December to the end of April. 11 月上旬に訪問しましたが、寒い日でした。資料館は 12 月から休館、 GW から営業再開されます。   The life in Azumi is shown in the main exhibition room  at the first floor. Exhibits about agriculture, forestry and sericultural industry are in center, the ones about daily life are on the right, and the pai...

Residence of Baba family in Nagano、馬場家住宅(松本市)

Baba family served a famous warlord (Takeda clan) in the medieval era. After the destruction of the warlord, Baba family moved to Matsumoto and became a powerful farmer . During the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868) , the lord ( daimyo ) visited the family. The residence was built in the late 19 th century, and was donated to Matsumoto city recently. It was a residence of a wealthy, so it was out of the scope of my blog (fun of good ordinary Japanese). But I’d like to show you the house together with the local festival. 武田家の滅亡とともに松本市内田に住みついたといわれる馬場氏の邸宅 です。江戸時代には藩主が訪れたほどの名家です。江戸末期に建てられた屋敷の主屋等が松本市に寄贈されました。これは本ブログのテーマの人々の楽しみとはいえないのですが、内田地区で行われている庶民の正月の行事「御柱」とともに見学しました。   The residence is behind the earthwork. 土塁の向こう側が馬場家住宅です。 The  main gate  is so dignified.  表門 は威圧感があります。 We can see  Matsumoto basin and north Japan Alps  on the opposite side. 振り返ると 松本平の先に北アルプス が見えます。 In side the gate, there is a  main building which has the large roof ornament  “Suzume(sw...