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Nagakubo post-town and museums(2/2)、長久保宿と資料館(part2)

Nagawa history museum 、長和の里 歴史館 The museum is near Nagakubo  post-town  in Nagano prefecture of central Japan. The post-town was on Nakasendou  highway  which linked Edo (old name of Tokyo) and Kyoto in the  Edo period  (1603 ~ 1868).  The town museum preserves and exhibits old documents, utensils and so on . 中山道長久保宿(長野県長和町 )から少し離れた場所にある 古文書や民具の収蔵・展示施設 です。 Historical items are displayed on the right side of the exhibition room . The photo on the lower left shows the bomb container and arrows which was used in the Wada pass battle in 1864. 展示室の右側は歴史の展示 です。 1864 年の和田峠の戦い(京を目指す天狗党 / 水戸藩浪士らと高島藩・松本藩の連合軍と戦い、天狗党は難なく突破)の合戦絵図とともに、水戸浪士が使用した矢と大砲の砲弾を運んだ桶も展示されています(左下)。 At the left side and the center of the exhibition room,  items about post-town and old articles for everyday use  are exhibited such as tools for silkworm culture. 展示室の中央と左側は、 宿場に関する展示品と民具、奥の壁際には養蚕を中心にした道具 が展示されています。 The wooden rack for carrying a load on the right has tricolor straps. I...

Nagakubo post-town and museums(1/2)、長久保宿と資料館(part1)

Nagakubo post-town in Nagano prefecture of central Japan was developed when Nakasendou highway was constructed; the highway linked Edo (old name of Tokyo) and Kyoto. The post-town is between two difficult passes, so many travelers stayed there and went over the pass next day. However, the town changed to a farming village after the motorway and the railway were constructed. Both new ways were built outside the town, thus the old town scenery remains. Three houses are opened to the public. I wonder why Nagakubo isn’t a busy tourist spot. 長野県の長久保宿 は、中山道の開設に伴って作られた集落です。難所の和田峠( 1531m )と笠取峠( 900m )の間にあり、多くの旅人が宿泊しました。しかし、車道と鉄道が建設されると農村へと姿を変えていきました。車道や鉄道が街中を通らなかったおかげで、 本陣をはじめ街がよく残っていて、3軒が公開 されています。人気観光地になっていないのが不思議なぐらいです。 The old highway is an upslope and leads to Kasatori pass (900m). The house on the left was probably built before 1731; it was a  brewer “Narukamaya” , but it is a private residence at present. It has  udatsu  firewalls at both sides, which is a symbol o...

Museum of Mochizuki History、望月歴史民俗資料館

Mochizuki was a post-town of Nakasendou highway , which linked Edo (old name of Tokyo) and Kyoto. It was a lively town where a professional sumo wrestling tour and so on were held. I uploaded photos under the approval of the city office. 望月は、長野県・佐久市にある中山道の宿場町 でした。町では、大相撲の巡業も開かれました。宿場は賑やかですね。 写真は、許可を得て掲載しました。 There is a  stone with a hole at the entrance, which was used to hitch a horse or a cow . The width of the highway in Mochizuki was 9 meters. There was a waterway in center, and horses drank the water. We can imagine old days easily. 玄関横にあるのは、 牛や馬をつなぐために使った「駒つなぎ石」 です。江戸時代の望月宿の道幅は9m(5間)、道の真ん中に水路があり、馬の飲水などとして利用していました。昔の様子が目に浮かびますね。   The first exhibition room (local history and culture) 、第一展示室(郷土の歴史と文化) Historical objects until the medieval era are exhibited. The necklace which was excavated from Otsuka tumulus (lower right). It has a big comma-shaped-bead ( magatama ). 戦国時代までの品々が展示されています。大塚古墳から出土したネックレス(右下)には、大型の勾玉が付けられていますよ。   The second exhibition room ( Nakasen...