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Showing posts from November, 2021

Yoshino’s daily life 45 (1860、安政7年)

The shogunate dispatched its delegation to U.S. in order to exchange instruments of ratification of the treaty of commerce in January. However, the Tairo (chief minister) of the shogunate who led it, was assassinated in March. The society was more unrest than it of last year. Even in the Yoshino’s area, a murder took place. The procession of the delegation in Broadway, NY.  使節団のパレードを見る NY の人たち 3 月 3 日に大老・井伊直弼が暗殺されます。いわゆる桜田門外の変。一方、 1 月 13 日には勝海舟や福沢諭吉らが咸臨丸でアメリカに向かいました。咸臨丸の航海は、日米修好通商条約の批准書交換のために派遣した万延元年遣米使節が乗るアメリカ軍艦の護衛と遠洋実習を兼ねたものでした。一方、村の近くで強盗殺人が起こるなど世情はますます不安定になってきました。   January 、 1 月   Aisuke, who was Yoshino’s son, visited acquaintances for New Year greeting. He started working at the lord residence in Edo (old name of Tokyo) this year. He went there with his father three months later.   After the 10 th , various people visited Yoshino. I guess they came to see Yoshino’s father who suffered from stomach ache since the end o...

Yoshino’s daily life 44 (1859、安政6年)

  The shogunate carried out a purge in that year, so the political situation was more unrest than it of last year. Although living of Yoshino’s village didn’t change so much, suspicious people showed up often. I’ll highlight unusual events of the year as usual.  安政の大獄で、井伊直弼が粛清を行った年です。村は、相変わらずなのですが、不審者が増えてきて世の中の乱れの影響を受けました。この年も、例年にはない動きを拾っていきます。   January 、 1 月   On the 29 th , the lord sent Mr. Koisaburou, who would be samurai , to the village. He stationed at Yoshino’s house ; Shigesaburou came there in order to set his hair more than once a week.   On the 16 th of the following month, he visited Suwa Shrine, then drank sake (alcohol) in Nagareyama town. Afterward, Yoshino received a letter from Nagareyama around 8 PM. It was written, “ Mr. Koisaburou is drinking so much and is taking out a sword . He is acting violently. Come here soon!” Yoshino immediately went there together with Jisaburou and Naohachi. He only wrote in his diary that we went to pic...

Yoshino’s daily life 43 (1858、安政5年)

  Ten years later (1867), the long-standing shogunate finished its role, so it was an unrest time politically. The traffic of samurai officers increased, and the villagers were forced to supply horses and workers more. Except for it, the village livelihood didn’t change so much. Thus, I’ll extract unusual events of the year.  いよいよ幕末です。 4 月に井伊直弼が大老に就き、朝廷の許可を得ず日米修好通商条約を結んでしまい、更に反対派を処分する安政の大獄が 9 月から始まります。村の生活に大きな変化はないのですが、水戸街道の通行が増え、人馬の負担(助郷)が増えました。この年も、例年にはない動きを拾っていきます。   January 、1月   On the 2 nd , a villager (Kiuemon) departed to Ise Shrine as a delegate. His estimated arrival day to Ise was the 17 th , so villagers took an afternoon holiday and prayed to Ise Gods on the day. On the 16 th of February, he returned to the village. The day after tomorrow, villagers took an afternoon off and celebrated his safe trip. It took 16 days to go to Ise, but it took 25-27 days to return (usually people stayed at Ise for three to five days). It was common to visit Kyot...

Yoshino’s daily life 42 (1857、安政4年)

  In 1854, US made Japan end the national isolation policy which started in 1639. In 1856, American consul general stationed, and started negotiation with the shogunate in order to trade.   However, the village life didn’t change so much. I focus on how they enjoyed their lives which is written in the diary of the village head. 1853 年にペリーが来航してから 4 年、ハリスは幕府と通商条約の交渉を始めました。 日記の著者である名主が住む千葉県流山市の村の暮らしは大きくは変わっていませんが、彼らが日常生活の中で、どのようなことを楽しんでいたか名主の日記から追っていきます。   January 、 1 月   On the New Year’s Day, the village head went to the village shrine at first. Villagers gathered and greeted one another. Events were held as usual. That aside, I’ll write their new activities.   On the 4 th , it is written “received rabbit meat” . It is a rare record . Because Japanese usually didn’t eat meat because of Buddhist influence until the Edo period. Furthermore, the village is inland, so they didn't eat fish meat often. Animals and fishes mentioned in 1857 are extrac...