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Showing posts from March, 2021

Ohara Yugaku Museum、大原幽学記念館

 This museum is located in Chiba prefecture next to Tokyo.   Y. Ohara(1797-1858) improved productivities of agriculture and livelihood in this region. However, he was accused by the shogunate , because he was not a government officer but he built a large school and initiated a cooperative which was the first one in the world. The shogunate ordered him to break down the school and dissolve the cooperative. The villages got run-down again and he committed suicide (hara-kiri) at graveyard.  The villagers and the disciples appreciated and praised him, and they maintained the site and made it his memorial park. It has his house, the memorial museum and so on. He was really respected. This museum is run by Asahi city and the first floor of the museum is the folklore exhibition room . I took photos under approval of the museum.  千葉県の九十九里浜、旭市にある博物館です。   大原幽学( 1797-1858 )は、当地の農業の改革、生活の改革を指導 し、生活水準を向上させました。しかし、幕府から、大規模な教導所の建設が農民に不似合いだとか、世界初の農業協同組合といわれる「先祖株組...

Kamisu history and folklore museum、神栖市歴史民俗資料館

 Kamisu is around 100km east of Tokyo. It is located at the estuary of Tone River which is the second longest one. There is Ikisu Shrine where many visitors came by boat in the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868). It flourishes as one of the largest industrial zones now.  Kamisu faces the river and the ocean, moreover there was a big lake. People suffered from floods, but simultaneously received the bounty of the water. Their livelihood was both farming and fishing. We can understand the fun of ordinary people in the past mainly at the folklore exhibition room.  We need to get an approval to take pictures.  茨城県神栖は、利根川の河口にあります。息栖神社の門前であり、江戸時代は、多くの参詣者が舟で訪れ賑わったようです。今は、日本有数の工業地帯になっています。  また、川、海、湖(神之池 /ご うのいけ)があり、水の恵みと害を受けながら、人々は半農半漁の暮らしを営んでいました。民俗の展示では、少し昔の人々の楽しみわかります。  許可を得て撮影しました。 Permanent exhibition room 、常設展示室 The local history is shown mainly. There are two city models in center; at present and around 1885. 主に歴史の展示です。中央に、現在と 1885 年頃の市の模型があります。 Excav...

National Museum of Japanese History(3/3)、国立歴史民俗博物館 (3/3)

   This article is about Gallery Four “ Folklore ” ; it is displayed how we Japanese have lived on. The exhibition room is as large as a city museum.  この記事では「第四展示室( 民俗 )」を紹介します。日本の風習です。自然の中で、日本人がどのように生命を繋いできたかが良く分かりました。展示室といっても、市立博物館の規模があります。   The world of work 、職の世界  Many kinds of works are introduced in this area. I would like to extract several impressive ones.   たくさんの職業が紹介されていますが、その一部を紹介します。  The first one is a   peddler   which is minor now, but everyone looks vivid. I think the integrated work, which consists of buying, carrying and selling to the customers, would satisfy the peddlers.  まずは、 市と行商 。売るときの顔がいいですね。買い付けて、運んで、お客様に届けるのが良いのだと思います。  There is a document (roll) of  hunting  secrets. Hunting is a special and traditional profession which is executed together with prayers.  猟師 :秘伝書「山立根本巻」は、「抑清和天皇 56 代の御時・・・」で始まっています。祈りと切り離せない職業です。  Carpenters and roofers : they had a certification as profess...