They planted rice almost every day from the middle of this month; it became a busy season. 麦刈りに続いて、中旬からほぼ毎日、田植が行われる。忙しい日々だ。 On the 1 st and 2 nd , a craftsman came to renovate or repair the thatched roof. It required a lot of labor, so villagers cooperated to finish it. Big farmer’s house 、多摩の農家 Renovation of the thatched roof 、屋根の葺き替え @ Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Cultural History (part2) 、神奈川県立歴史博物館( 2 ) 1 日、 2 日は屋根葺きが一人来ている。農家の屋根は茅葺で、自分や村人に手伝ってもらって葺き直したり、補修したりしたようだ。 On the 2 nd , they also planted soy beans and used dried sardines as fertilizer which they bought last month. On the 3 rd , they planted perilla again. On the 5 th , Shiba extended family gathered. It is the Boys’ Festival Day. Perhaps they celebrated boys’ growth. They also did it for girls on the 3 rd of March ( Yoshino ’ s daily life 16, March in 1851 ) . Samurai dolls of the Boys’ Festival 、@近江八幡の旧西川家住宅 Museums in Ohmi-hachiman 近江八幡の資料館 2 日は大豆を植え、先月末に入手した干鰯を搗いて粉にしている。 3 日は...
How to enjoy daily life in Japan before the industrialization (more than 100 years ago). Most Japanese were farmers and poor, but they enjoyed their lives without smartphones and fossil fuels. Through old diaries, exhibits in museums and books, we could find their fun. 百年以上前、スマホや化石燃料を使わなくても人々は日々の暮らしを楽しんでいました。多くは農民で、豊かではなかったけど。昔の日記、資料館の展示品、書籍から、その生き方を学ぶ。「遊びをせんとや 生まれけむ 戯れせんとや 生まれけん」、ですよね。