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Showing posts from September, 2019

Yoshino’s daily life 14, The second half of January in 1851(嘉永4年1月後半)

 From the 22 nd , Yoshino resumed work; they gathered up branches in the forest to make firewood. Various seasonal events were held at the same time. 22 日から山に入り薪集めが始まる。 1 月後半は、村の神社での祭り、辨天講や夷講で集まり、楽しむ。 On the 19 th , the eve of Sannou festival was held as usual. They stay ed at Shigesaburo’s house and had a party. The host house changed every year. On the 20 th , Sannou festival was held and they stayed at Shigesaburo’s house again. There is a festival called “Opisha” in this area, in which people pray for rich harvest. Perhaps this was “Opisha” festival, I think. Next afternoon (21 st ), they took a half day off as usual. I guess they were tired from performing the festival, but Mr. Yoshino invited people to his house and held Benten- kou party. They were really energetic. On the 22 nd , they had another kou party called “Ebisu-kou” at night. Exhibits of “Opisha” at Nagareyama city museum おびしゃの展示  流山市博物館 19 日、「例の通り、宵盛、宿重三郎」とある。翌日の山王奉謝の前夜祭で、泊まり込みだ。前年の宿は半左衛門な...

Yoshino’s daily life 13, The first half of January in 1851(嘉永4年1月前半)

  Western countries were colonizing Asia then, many foreign battle ships also came to Japan. However, shogunate still kept national isolation policy and refused trade except for Nederland, China and Korea.   On the other hand, Yoshino’s daily life was same as usual. I’ll describe its details of 1851, especially about farming. Foreign war ship 、外国軍艦 Edo-Tokyo Museum 江戸東京博物館   この年は、土佐の漁師ジョン万次郎(中浜万次郎)が、アメリカ船に送られて帰国し沖縄に上陸している。再び日本の土を踏めるなんて、嬉しかったろう。後に通訳として大活躍する。日本を揺るがすペリー来航までは、あと 2 年。外国船の来航は増えているが、吉野家の生活は変わらない。嘉永 4 年は、農作業を詳述して日々の暮らしを見てみる。 New Year’s events 、 正月行事   They didn’t work a lot in January, but visited one another to greet them many times. On the 14 th , New Year’s decorations were removed and all New Year’s events finished. It had to be joyful time for them.   1 月は農事が少ない。しかし、年始の人づきあいが多い。上旬は正月の挨拶と行事が続き、 14 日に松飾を取り払い正月のお祝いは終わる。 Ornaments of the New Year 、正月飾り Ichikawahistory museum 市川歴史博物館   On the New Year’s Day, they visite...

Hitachi City Museum、日立市郷土博物館

 This museum shows us the history, folklore and industry of Hitachi city where Hitachi Ltd. was established in 1910. There are a lot of exhibits about folklore, so we can understand the festivals, customs and everyday lives easily. For example, in a village without a priest of a shrine, people keep the deity in rotation. Interestingly enough, people are dead drunk when they handover the deity. 茨城県日立市の歴史、民俗、産業を紹介している。日立製作所の創業の地でもある。民俗の展示も充実しており、祭り、風習、生活が良く分かる。神職のない村で、神を各家に持回る時の行事では、引き継ぐ時につぶれるまで酒を飲むというのが面白い。 Entrance of the 2 nd floor exhibition room: Hitachi’s people and Industry、 2階展示室(日立の民俗と産業)入口 Festival  祭  The photo below is a model of Hitachi Furyumono which is a float with a stage to play a puppet show. It goes around the city in the Sakura cherry blossom season. It is designated UNESCO cultural heritage.   日立風流物模型。桜の季節に、山車で街を練り歩く。人形芝居をできるようになっている。参加しても、見物しても楽しみだ。ユネスコの文化財になっている。  There are four floats which are 15 meter height and five stories...