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Showing posts from February, 2018

Yoshino’s daily life 07, September and October in 1849(嘉永2年秋)

September: Fun in the post harvesting season   People enjoyed September which was a post harvesting season. They had time for relaxations and parties. The party called “Himachi” was held often. “Hi” is the sun and “machi” is a waiting. Each family hosted Himachi by turns, and master or mistress from each family gathered at the host family house and stayed until the sunrise. Master and his parents were invited to Himachi respectively.   Mr. Yoshino hosted it on the 10 th and invited seven or eight people. It was called Himachi-ni, so it was a bit different from Himachi.   He also went to Mujin twice which is a kind of Kou in this month. His relative came to his house with a bottle of sake (rice wine) and stayed at night.   On the other hand, his father went to Edo (old Tokyo), it was the first time in 42 days. I wonder if he wanted to enjoy entertainment in Edo .   Anyway, everyone looked relax in September. Drawing of Himachi (出光博物館)...

Life in Edo, old Tokyo (published in 1959) 江戸生活事典

Very good : ★★★  (this is a long and interesting page)   Various entertainments at Edo or old Tokyo in the  Edo period are written in this book. I found a lot of fun here. I focus on the fun of common people, so I put aside the fun of Daimyo loads , samurais and rich merchants in this book.   In terms of people’s fun, Edo was the paradise definitely. There were a lot of funs in day time and night time. Edo attracted people especially from the country side. I started from my favorite chapter.  三田村鳶魚(えんぎょ)の著作を事典にしたもの。江戸の生活の様々な楽しみが書かれていて、発見が多い。ここでは庶民の楽しみにフォーカスし、大名、武士、大店の主の楽しみは拾わなかった。   人の楽しみの面からみると、まさに、江戸はパラダイス。昼も夜も出会いも、いろいろなものがあって、人を地方からも引き付ける。 気に入った章別にピックアップしていく。  Edo or old Tokyo was very busy city, 熈 代勝覧@三越前 Chapter 7: Daily lives、 風俗概要 (1)   Seasonal recreation、遊楽  Seasonal recreations are written at first. On the New Year’s Day, people went out to see the sunrise. Also winter is a good season to see Mt.Fuji . ...