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Showing posts from February, 2024

Kiso-Fukushima and Festival Museum、木曽福島とまつり会館

Kiso-Fukushima was a post-town on Nakasendou highway which linked Edo (old name of Tokyo) and Kyoto. It is in Nagano prefecture of central Japan. Kiso-Fukushima is a center of “Kiso” region at Kiso Valley ; there were eleven post-towns in Kiso. Mountains approach the town; therefore, it is a high-density housing area. Its major industry has been forestry . The Festival Museum shows us the enthusiastic festival in summer . Kiso people explode their energy at the festival. 尾張藩の代官所と関所が置かれた木曽地方の中心地・福島 は、木曽川沿いで山が迫った町です。 林業の町です。そこに、多くの家がひしめいています 。 まつり会館では、神輿を転がすという荒々しい夏祭りが紹介 されています。人々のエネルギーを感じますね。   Kiso-Fukushima town 、木曽福島 The town is between mountains.  Three-story houses were built  along Kiso River; those are called “ cliff houses ”. People have gathered and have lived there. They have managed to live in a narrow land. 山に挟まれた木曽福島。木曽川に沿って、 崖家作りといわれる三階建ての家 が並びます。木曽福島は人が集まる町、狭い土地で何とか暮らしてきたのですね。 The three-story cliff houses  look two-story building from the street ....

Miyanokoshi post-town、宮ノ越宿(中山道)

The legendary samurai “Kiso Yoshinaka” (Minamoto no Yoshinaka, 1154-1184) grew up here ; his lineage led to an emperor. He rebelled against Taira clan (Heishi ) here who ruled Japan back then. Therefore, the town would be familiar with many Japanese. Because, we learned the legend in school. (Revised in July, 2024) 宮ノ越宿は、 木曽義仲(源義仲)が育ち、旗揚げをした場所 にある宿場です。木曽義仲の遺跡があり、平家物語を知る旅人にとっては感慨深い場所だったと思います。今は、静かな町です。2024年7月改訂(加筆)。   There is a deep pool in Kiso River at the north end of Miyanokoshi. It is said that a beautiful girl swam here; she also rode on a horse and run around fields and hills. Her name is “Tomoe” and supported “Kiso Yoshinaka” for a lifetime.  The legend says that a dragon which resided here transformed itself to “Tomoe” and supported “Kiso Yoshinaka” . 宮ノ越宿の北端に巴淵(木曽川)があります。 麗将・巴は、少女時代にここで泳ぎ、馬で野山を駆け巡った そうです。この淵に住む龍神が、巴に化身して、木曽義仲を守り続けたという伝説があるとのことです。 Kiso Yoshinaka was ordered to destroy Heike by Prince Mochihito in 1180. He raised his army and prayed for a victory...

Kiso village local museum、木祖村郷土館

The museum is near Yabuhara post-town in Nagano prefecture of central Japan. It was on Nakasendou highway which linked Edo (old name of Tokyo) and Kyoto. Mountains approach the town. However, locals have developed specialties such as comb and medicine at the narrow flatland . Plus, they have continued the exciting festival . There were twelve post-towns in Kiso area, and each town had its feature. My impressive exhibit is the letter; it asked an official of each post-town to send over a sick traveler to his home town. They are kind. *Notice: there were no staff when I visited. We have to push the buzzer by the entrance door, and to call staff from another building. 中山道・鳥居峠の南側・藪原宿の近くにある郷土館 です。山が迫った場所ですが、 お六櫛や百草丸といった名産品を生み出し、活気がある祭りも催してきました 。興業の意欲が強いと思います。木曽 12 宿といって、いろいろな宿場町がありますが、土地土地の特徴がありますね。 印象的だったのは、病気で歩けなくなった旅人を居住地(埼玉県)まで戻したいので、各宿場は駕籠で次の宿場に送ってくださいという送り状(の控え?)です。世は情けですね。   The museum is on the left. The  train (lower left) transported woodcutters  to ...