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Showing posts from July, 2021

Masuda town in Akita and an ex hardware store “Ishihei”、増田(秋田県)と旧石平金物店

 Masuda is in Akita prefecture in Northern Japan. It is an inland town with heavy snowfalls, but it has flourished as a trading hub of agricultural products especially after the Meiji period (1868-1912). In the Taishou period (1912-1926), the mining business caused Masuda the prime time.  Although the mines were closed in the end of the 20 th century, luxurious merchant houses remain at the main street . The area is designated as the Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings by Japanese government. The large houses which have a fire-proof storage house in it characterize Masuda town. Some of them have a living room in its storage house . The guide said the number of visitors has been increasing since ten years ago.  The merchants spend thrift everyday lives, however they spend a lot of money on the ceremonial day. The trait looks like Ohmi merchants in Shiga prefecture which is a home town of many entrepreneurs. Reference: Museums in Ohmi Gokasho...

Akita Kakunodate Tatetsu、角館と外町史料館たてつ

 Satake clan who ruled Akita in the Edo period (1603 ~ 1868) built the town. Satake introduced culture from Kyoto which was the capital at that time, because they had noble relatives there. It is one of the most major tourist spots in Touhoku region ; it is famous for its old samurai houses.  角館は江戸時代に常陸から国替えになった佐竹氏の一門が作った町です。佐竹氏は京都の公家と親戚関係にあり、京文化がたくさん入ってきました。今は、武家屋敷が美しい東北きっての観光地です。  現役の商家にある展示室を訪ねました。   Samurai’s residential district 、武家屋敷 Those were built along the wide road. The autumn leaves welcomed us. 道が広いです。角館と言えば、桜の川堤が有名ですが、紅葉の季節も観光客が多いです。 This was an ex-samurai house.  こちらは岩橋家、だったと思います。 This is an ordinary residence on the street. It’s classy. 普通のお宅も素敵ですね。 Tomachi museum “Tatetsu” 、外町史料館「たてつ」  “To-machi” means “To” for the outside and “machi” for the town.  Merchants’ residential area is called “Tomachi” , on the other hand, samurais’ one is called “Uchi(inside)-machi(town)”. The museum is in the souvenir shop of wooden ...